Author Archives: Brenda Stockton

Monday Morning News – February 6

Weather – We are expecting flurries today with a high of -12. Tonight there is a 60% chance of flurries with a low of -15. Travel to the Sault tomorrow and points east may be difficult due to a low-pressure area that will bring an expected 15cm or more. Environment Canada warns that travelling conditions may deteriorate and become hazardous ...

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Hockey Night in Wawa

Feb 4, 2017 @ 11:48 Wednesday night, the Michipicoten Memorial Community Centre was packed with hockey fans of all ages. First stop when you entered was either the ticket table or souvenir table where Mr. Gretzky was signing autograph after autograph, and even posing for photographs. He even asked each person if there was anyone else in the family that ...

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Happy 67th Birthday Sir James Dunn Public School

  History – a word which refers to a record of past events and times. History – a word that has so much meaning to the many staff and students that have walked through the doors of Sir James Dunn Public School in Wawa. Sir James Dunn Public School was first opened in February of 1950. Back then, it was ...

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Why is Manuela walking 110km with Joe?

Sgt. Manuela Byrnes has been challenged to walk 110 kilometres with Joe Roberts! She is asking the community of Wawa to donate new socks. Her goal is to not only walk the 110 kilometres with Joe, but to collect a pair of socks for each kilometre walked. Your donation of new socks can be dropped off at the Michipicoten Memorial ...

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Greyhound – Any Responsibility for Stranded Passengers?

Jan 25, 2017   On December 14th, 2016, a Greyhound bus from Vancouver, making its way along Highway 17, was stopped dead in Wawa. Highway 17 from Wawa to Batchawana had been closed at 2:43 a.m. due to whiteout conditions. The radar image from Montreal River shows the intensity of the storm that morning. With the highway closure, passengers disembarked ...

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Tuesday Morning News – February 7th

Weather – Cloudy with snow beginning early this morning, amounts of 5 to 10 cm. High of -10 with windchill of -25 this morning. Roads – From Sault Ste. Marie to Montreal River, Highway 17 is bare and wet with partly snow covered sections. From Montreal River to Wawa the road is bare and wet. From Wawa to the Paint ...

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In Memory – Janet Firlotte

January 2nd, 2014 Three years have passed by without you. We need to let you know that we think of you daily and especially missed you this year when we were all able to spend time together at Christmas. Rest in peace Janet Your sisters Margaret – Pat – Chris

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In Memory – John Haidarenko

In loving memory of a dear father, grandfather and great-grandfather (Didi) who passed away December 25, 2007. Although our loved ones are out of sight They are never out of mind, For they are cherished in the hearts Of the ones they left behind. Love:   Lynn and Tina Julie, Kaitlin and Cassandra Dave, Tracy, Alley and Matthew Rodney, Cheryl, ...

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Wawa Goose Monument will be Replaced

  Everyone is very excited by the announcement yesterday by FEDNOR that the Government of Canada will be supporting the ‘repair’ of our beloved goose with their investment of $100,000. Unfortunately, the Wawa Goose is beyond repair and will be replaced. Research Casting International was selected, and the new goose will be installed in 2017, in time for Canada Day 2017, ...

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Take a Cookie Walk today!

  The ‘Ladies’ are playing Christmas Carols and the cookies are ready! Cookies are available for $6/dozen. A lady will take a stroll and you can pick your choice… until all cookies are gone. There is no limit so you can get all the cookies you can eat!

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Ice begins to form on Wawa Lake

Dec 16, 2016 @ 12:13 With the very cold temperatures of the past couple of days, ice has begun to form on Wawa Lake. Yesterday afternoon, two patches of open water could be seen from the Drill Rig. One just off Blueberry Point, and the other on the east by Mackey Point. Several years ago, Andy Stevens shared information showing ...

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BENWELL, Yvonne Catherine

On December 8, 2016, in her 80th year, Yvonne Catherine Benwell climbed the stairway to heaven. She is survived by her husband Gerry as well as many members of her large family. Yvonne came to the Soo area in 1958 having moved here from downtown Toronto. She along with her husband Gerry raised their family in Goulais River, which she ...

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Ground Search for Myla this afternoon at Ski Hill – UPDATE

Dec 8, 2016 On Thursday, December 8th, Myla was found (photo at right). A ground search has been organized today at 3 pm at Mount Wawa Ski Hill and to help with a ground search for James Smedley’s Dog Myla. Myla has been missing since she ran off after a rabbit Saturday, November 26th, and has not been seen since. ...

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Warm Weather Records set throughout Northern Ontario yesterday

We have had some extremely nice weather over the past few days – rather unseasonal some have remarked. Last night Environment Canada confirmed that opinion. They released temperatures records that showed that much of Northern Ontario experienced record breaking temperatures 10 to 20 degrees above average for early November. Yesterday records were set in: Kenora – New record of 14.8 ...

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