Sep 18, 2021 at 22:48 The Ontario Nurses’ Association (ONA) and Algoma Public Health reached a tentative agreement during conciliation on Friday, September 17. ONA members will vote on whether or not to ratify the agreement on Thursday, September 23. The Algoma Board of Health is expected to conduct its own ratification process on Wednesday, September 22. ...
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APH: 2 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 (#456 – #457)
Algoma Public Health has reported two new cases of COVID-19 (#456 – #457), both from Sault Ste. Marie and area. One was tested yesterday (unknown exposure) and the other today (close contact), with both self-isolating.
Read More »APH: 2 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 (#454 – #455)
Algoma Public Health has reported two new cases of COVID-19 (#454 – #455), both from Sault Ste. Marie and area (reported September 16th). One case was tested on the 15th (close contact), the other on the 16th (unknown exposure). Both are self-isolating.
Read More »Ontario Strengthening Supports for Postsecondary Students Reporting Sexual Violence or Harassment
The Ontario government is moving forward with regulatory amendments that will help create a safer environment for students attending all publicly assisted colleges and universities, as well as private career colleges. These changes will require institutions to update their sexual violence and harassment policies in order to shield students from irrelevant questions during sexual violence investigations at institutions and ensure ...
Read More »L’Ontario cherche à renforcer les aides offertes aux étudiantes et étudiants postsecondaires qui font rapport de violence ou de harcèlement à caractère sexuel
Le gouvernement de l’Ontario va de l’avant avec les modifications réglementaires qui aideront à créer un environnement plus sécuritaire pour les étudiants qui fréquentent tous les collèges et universités financés par des fonds publics, ainsi que les collèges privés d’enseignement professionnel. Ces modifications exigeront que les établissements mettent à jour leurs politiques sur la violence et le harcèlement à caractère ...
Read More »Ontario Releasing Guidance to Support Proof of Vaccination Policy
As the province continues to respond to the fourth wave of the pandemic driven by the highly transmissible Delta variant, the government is further protecting Ontarians through continued actions that encourage every eligible person to get vaccinated and help stop the spread of COVID-19. Today the government released the regulations and guidance for businesses and organizations to support them in ...
Read More »L’Ontario publie des directives pour soutenir la politique en matière de preuve de vaccination
Alors que la province continue de faire face à la quatrième vague de la pandémie alimentée par le variant Delta hautement transmissible, le gouvernement protège davantage les Ontariens par des mesures continues qui encouragent chaque personne admissible à se faire vacciner et à aider à enrayer la propagation de la COVID-19. Aujourd’hui, le gouvernement a publié le règlement et les ...
Read More »APH: 5 new confirmed case of COVID-19 (#449 – #453)
reporting 5 new cases of COVID-19 (#449 – #453), all from Sault Ste. Marie and area. Two cases were tested September 13th, and three on the 14th. Four cases are of close contact, 1 is unknown – all are self-isolating.
Read More »L’association canadienne de counseling et de psychothérapie souligne la Journée mondiale de la prévention du suicide
Aujourd’hui (10 septembre) se tient la Journée mondiale de la prévention du suicide, une journée de sensibilisation et d’information sur les risques et les mesures de prévention du suicide. L’Association canadienne de counseling et de psychothérapie (ACCP) reconnaît l’importance de cette journée et le travail essentiel des professionnels de la santé mentale, qui aident à sauver des vies. Chaque année, ...
Read More »Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association Recognizes World Suicide Prevention Day
Today, September 10th marks World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD), a day which raises awareness and understanding about suicide and discusses prevention efforts. The Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA) recognizes the importance of this day and the significant role that mental health professionals play in helping save lives. 3.4 million Canadians aged 12 and older suffer from suicidal thoughts each ...
Read More »APH: 2 new confirmed Cases of COVID-19 in SSM & Area
Algoma Public Health reported two new cases of COVID-19 both from Sault Ste. Marie and area. Case 435 is from international travel, was tested September 6th, and is self-isolating. Case 436 is of unknown exposure, was tested September 7th, and is self-isolating. Algoma Public Health is also advising the public of a potential exposure to COVID-19 for anyone who travelled ...
Read More »APH: 1 new confirmed case of COVID-19 (#434)
Algoma Public Health (APH) has reported 1 new case of COVID-19 (#434), from Sault Ste. Marie and area. The individual was tested Monday, September 6th, exposure category is unknown, and is self-isolating. Through contact tracing, all close contacts have been notified.
Read More »East Algoma OPP – Today is International Overdose Awareness Day
Today is International Overdose Awareness Day. Opioid overdoses are claiming the lives of thousands of people across Ontario and are steadily increasing. The statistics and numbers related to overdoses do not capture the profound distress being felt by those impacted. Observers may hesitate to call 911 in fear of police involvement. To encourage people to seek life-saving assistance the East Algoma Ontario ...
Read More »Ontario Investing $5.2 Million to Bring Cardiovascular Surgery Services to Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences
Aug 24, 2021 at 13:48 As part of its comprehensive plan to end hallway health care, the Ontario government is investing over $5.2 million to support the planning and design of a cardiovascular surgery program at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre. For the first time, cardiac surgery will be regularly performed in Northwestern Ontario, helping to address surgical wait ...
Read More »L’Ontario investit 5,2 millions de dollars pour offrir des services de chirurgie cardiovasculaire au Centre régional des sciences de la santé de Thunder Bay
Aug 24, 2021 at 13:48 Dans le cadre de son plan exhaustif pour éliminer les soins de santé de couloir, le gouvernement de l’Ontario investit plus de 5,2 millions de dollars pour appuyer la planification et la conception d’un programme de chirurgie cardiovasculaire au Centre régional des sciences de la santé de Thunder Bay. Pour la première fois, des chirurgies ...
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