Algoma District School Board (ADSB) trustees were provided with an update on mental health supports in place for ADSB students at the Committee of the Whole meeting held on Tuesday, October 5th. Members of ADSB’s School Mental Health (SMH) team including Mental Health Lead Darryl Fillmore and School and Attendance counsellors Christina Williams, Kar1i-Rae Lee and Shawna Wilson, joined the ...
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École Saint-Joseph students mark National Truth and Reconciliation Day
As part of the activities held at École Saint-Joseph (Wawa) on National Truth and Reconciliation Day and Orange Shirt Day on September 30, junior and senior kindergarten students had the opportunity to participate in a special activity. To recognize and commemorate missing children and victims of Native residential schools, Ms. Kylie Millette, Native School Support Worker, held a smudge ceremony. ...
Read More »Statement from Mikinakoos Children’s Fund for National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
Mikinakoos Children’s Fund has released the following statement in advance of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. There is no doubt that First Nations and Indigenous Peoples throughout this land face severe socioeconomic challenges that are a direct result of the residential schools system and colonization. Mikinakoos Children’s Fund works to address these issues by providing food and essential ...
Read More »Les couleurs de l’automne et l’apprentissage à l’école Saint Nom de Jésus
Le mercredi 22 septembre, c’était la première journée d’automne! Pour souligner l’occasion, les élèves de la maternelle et du jardin de l’école Saint Nom de Jésus (Hornepayne) sont allés prendre une marche dans la forêt pour faire de nouvelles découvertes. Ils en ont profité pour poursuivre leur apprentissage des concepts mathématiques, des mots de vocabulaire et des couleurs. Quelle ...
Read More »Fall colours and learning for Saint Nom de Jésus students
Wednesday, September 22 was the first day of fall! To mark the occasion, Junior and Senior Kindergarten students from École Saint Nom de Jésus in Hornepayne took a walk in the forest to make new discoveries. They took the opportunity to continue their learning of mathematical concepts, vocabulary words and colours. What a beautiful outing!
Read More »ADSB Honours National Day of Truth & Reconciliation Day
On September 30th Canadians will recognize the National Day for Truth & Reconciliation. Algoma District School Board (ADSB) will be commemorating the day, also known as Orange Shirt Day, to honour the children who survived residential schools and to remember those who did not. We will take time to honour this special day and all it stands for with many ...
Read More »HSCDSB to Celebrate Faith Day – September 24
The Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board (HSCDSB) will be celebrating its annual Faith Day on Friday, September 24, 2021 Professional Activity Day. Once again, this PA Day will be a virtual experience with employees following the day’s program at their workplace or school. A prayer service will begin the day at all locations. Afterwards, workshops focusing on anti-racism and anti-discrimination ...
Read More »HSCDSB announces Retirement of Rose Burton Spohn
At the September 22nd meeting of the Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board, Rose Burton Spohn, Director of Education, announced her intention to retire in the spring of 2022. Burton Spohn has been director of the board since July 1, 2017. “It has been both an honour and a privilege to have served the board for the past eight years,” said ...
Read More »Les élèves de l’école Saint-Joseph (Wawa) découvrent le processus électoral
Pendant la campagne électorale fédérale qui a pris fin le 20 septembre 2021, les élèves de la 4e année de l’École Saint-Joseph (Wawa) ont étudié les systèmes de gouvernement et les élections dans le cadre de leur cours d’études sociales. Accompagnés de leur enseignant, M. Éric Comtois, les élèves ont eu la chance de parcourir la ville de Wawa ...
Read More ȃcole Saint-Joseph (Wawa) students discover the electoral process
During the federal election campaign that ended on September 20, 2021, grade 4 students at École Saint-Joseph (Wawa) studied the systems of government and elections as part of their social studies class. Accompanied by their teacher, Mr. Éric Comtois, the students had the chance to explore the city in search of electoral signs. Very serious, these young citizens prepared ...
Read More »CSC Nouvelon students set to celebrate Franco-Ontarian Day
All schools in Ontario’s 12 French-language school boards will unite on Friday, September 24, from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m., to celebrate virtually once again (Encore ensemble) Franco-Ontarian Day. Students from Conseil scolaire catholique Nouvelon schools will have the chance to participate virtually in this mega celebration and celebrate their belonging to the Franco-Ontarian community. The live broadcast will take ...
Read More »Les élèves du CSC Nouvelon célèbrent le Jour des Franco-Ontariens!
Toutes les écoles des 12 conseils scolaires francophones de l’Ontario se réuniront virtuellement le vendredi 24 septembre, de 9 h 30 à 11 h, pour célébrer encore ensemble le Jour des Franco-Ontariennes et des Franco-Ontariens. Les élèves du Conseil scolaire catholique Nouvelon auront ainsi la chance de participer à cette méga célébration virtuelle et de fêter leur appartenance à la ...
Read More »Algoma District School Board’s Virtual Remote Learning Update
This year, Algoma District School Board (ADSB) welcomes back 98% of our students to in-person learning for the 2021/2022 school year while 2% of our students have opted for virtual/remote learning. The elementary panel had 1.5% of students/families choosing virtual/remote learning, while in the secondary panel, 3.0% of students have chosen virtual/remote learning. These numbers reflect a return of 11.8% ...
Read More »L’école Saint Nom de Jésus reconnue pour ses efforts à promouvoir la santé et le bien-être
Félicitations à l’école Saint Nom de Jésus (Hornepayne) qui est récipiendaire d’une certification bronze de l’Association pour la santé et l’éducation physique de l’Ontario pour l’année 2020-2021. Cette certification reconnaît les efforts et l’engagement du personnel scolaire de l’école Saint Nom de Jésus envers la promotion et l’amélioration de la santé et du bien-être des élèves. Parmi les initiatives ...
Read More »École Saint Nom de Jésus recognized for its efforts to promote health and well-being
Congratulations to the École Saint Nom de Jésus (Hornepayne) for receiving a bronze certification from the Ontario Physical and Health Education Association for the 2020-2021 school year. This certification recognizes the efforts and commitment of school staff at École Saint Nom de Jésus in promoting and improving the health and well-being of students. The school’s initiatives include self-regulation zones, ...
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