May 15, 2020 – The Honourable Diane Lebouthillier, Minister of National Revenue is announcing that benefit payments will continue for an additional three months for those who are not able to file their 2019 returns on time. Eligible Canadians who are presently receiving the Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax (GST/HST) credit and/or the Canada child benefit (CCB) will continue to ...
Read More »Other News
Canada Summer Jobs start rolling out to keep young people working during COVID-19
A strong workforce includes good job opportunities for youth. That is why the Government is working with employers across the country during this unprecedented time to make sure that young Canadians stay connected to the job market with safe and secure summer employment opportunities. The Honourable Carla Qualtrough, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion, has kicked off the ...
Read More »Ontario Ready to Respond to Wildland Fire Season – Fire Ban Lifts at Midnight
The Ontario government has taken additional steps to protect people and property during the wildland fire season, including an increase in base funding for emergency forest firefighting by $30.2 million, and ensuring safety measures are in place to protect Ontario’s highly trained fire rangers from COVID-19. At 12:01 a.m. on May 16, 2020, Ontario is lifting the Restricted Fire Zone ...
Read More »L’Ontario est prêt pour la saison des incendies de végétation
Le gouvernement de l’Ontario a pris des mesures additionnelles afin de protéger les personnes et les biens pendant la saison des incendies, notamment en accroissant le financement de base de la lutte contre les incendies de végétation de 30,2 millions de dollars et en instaurant des mesures de protection des gardes-feux contre la COVID-19. À minuit et une minute, le ...
Read More »Ontario Announces Additional Workplaces that Can Reopen
The Ontario government announced the retailers, seasonal businesses and health and community service providers who will be permitted to open or expand their services on Tuesday, May 19, 2020 at 12:01 a.m., provided that the general trend on health indicators continues to improve as part of the first stage of the government’s reopening framework. The workplaces opening as part this ...
Read More »L’Ontario autorise la réouverture d’un plus grand nombre de lieux de travail – Levée de l’interdiction des incendies à minuit
Le gouvernement de l’Ontario a rendu publique aujourd’hui la liste des détaillants, entreprises saisonnières et services de santé et communautaires qui seront autorisés à rouvrir ou à relancer plus largement leurs activités le mardi 19 mai 2020 à minuit une, moyennant le maintien de la tendance positive des indicateurs de santé. Cela correspond à la première étape du cadre visant le déconfinement de ...
Read More »Ontario Making Prescription Drugs More Affordable During COVID-19
The Ontario government is making the cost of prescription drugs more affordable. Effective today, people using the Ontario Drug Benefit Program will not be required to pay any co-payment until July 1, 2020 for any prescription of 30+ days that is now being dispensed in installments. In addition, existing and new Trillium Drug Program households can apply for an income ...
Read More »L’Ontario rend les médicaments d’ordonnance plus abordables durant la COVID-19
Le gouvernement de l’Ontario rend le coût des médicaments d’ordonnance plus abordable. À compter d’aujourd’hui, les personnes qui utilisent le Programme de médicaments de l’Ontario n’auront aucune quote-part à verser jusqu’au 1er juillet 2020 pour les ordonnances de plus de 30 jours qui sont désormais distribuées de façon échelonnée. De plus, les ménages actuellement ou nouvellement inscrits au Programme de médicaments Trillium ...
Read More »Highway 17 – OPEN (West of Thunder Bay)
At 10:30ish the highway was reopened. May 13, 2020 at 17:25 – On May 13, 2020 at approximately 1:22 pm officers from the Thunder Bay Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) responded to a bush fire by Ivar Road (West of Shabaqua). Highway 11 and Highway 17 were closed as the smoke caused a traffic hazard. Highway 11 has ...
Read More »National Indigenous Group Files Court Application Over Inadequate and Discriminatory Funding During COVID-19
The Congress of Aboriginal Peoples (CAP) and its Provincial and Territorial Organizations (PTOs) today filed an urgent court application over the federal government’s inadequate and discriminatory funding during the COVID-19 pandemic. The shocking lack of funding and discrimination impacts the most vulnerable and disadvantaged Indigenous peoples in Canada. National Chief of the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples Robert Bertrand stated, ...
Read More »Protéger les enfants de l’Ontario atteints de la COVID-19
Christine Elliott, vice-première ministre et ministre de la Santé, a publié aujourd’hui la déclaration suivante concernant la vascularite inflammatoire multisystémique, qui présentent des ressemblances avec la maladie de Kawasaki, chez les enfants et la COVID-19 : « De récents rapports au Canada et à l’échelle internationale indiquent qu’il peut y avoir une hausse du nombre de cas de vascularite inflammatoire multisystémique, ...
Read More »Protecting Ontario’s Children with COVID-19
Today, Christine Elliott, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health, issued the following statement about multisystem inflammatory vasculitis, which appears to be similar to Kawasaki Syndrome, in children and COVID-19: “Recent reports in Canada and internationally indicate that there may be an increase in multisystem inflammatory vasculitis, a rare but serious multisystem inflammatory illness that impacts children who have been diagnosed ...
Read More »Ontario Takes Steps to Better Protect Long-Term Care Residents and Staff During the COVID-19 Outbreak
The Ontario government has adopted an emergency order allowing the province to issue a mandatory management order for a long-term care home struggling to deal with a COVID-19 outbreak. This order would support the use of rapid, immediate and effective management alternatives to protect residents and staff within a home. The manager could be any person, including a corporation or ...
Read More »Nouvelles mesures pour mieux protéger les résidents et le personnel des foyers de soins de longue durée de la COVID-19
Le gouvernement de l’Ontario a adopté un décret d’urgence en vertu duquel il pourra donner un ordre de gestion obligatoire à tout foyer de soins de longue durée confronté à une éclosion de COVID-19. Il permettra ainsi à la province d’ajuster rapidement et efficacement la gestion des activités d’un établissement afin d’en protéger les résidents et le personnel. Le gestionnaire ...
Read More »Declaration of Emergency Extended While Ontario Gradually Reopens the Economy
The Ontario government is extending the Declaration of Emergency under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act. This additional time will ensure the province has the necessary tools and health care capacity to contain COVID-19, while gradually reopening businesses, services, and amenities safely. Passed during a special sitting of the Ontario Legislature today, the Declaration of Emergency has been extended until ...
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