Author Archives: This Media Release

Strongman Challenge Dubreuilville a annoncé la modification de la date

Jan 4, 2017 Le comité du Strongman Challenge Dubreuilville a annoncé la modification de la date de l’événement aux 28, 29 et 30 juillet 2017. Le comité du Strongman Challenge Dubreuilville est fier d’avoir finalisé et conclu un contrat de trois ans avec le Circuit Canadien. Cela place le Strongman Challenge Dubreuilville comme une compétition officielle dans le cumulatif annuel ...

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Miroir, Miroir sur le mur

Dec 9, 2016 at 09:03   Depuis le début de l’année scolaire, les élèves de l’école Sacré-Cœur (Chapleau) prennent part dans différentes activités de construction identitaire afin de développer chez eux un sens d’appartenance et d’expression de soi. Les élèves de la 4e, 5e et 6e année ont découvert l’importance de refléter le meilleur d’eux-mêmes pour ensuite créer un mur ...

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CAA announces support of Hope Air

Dec 8, 2016 at 08:57 – CAA Insurance Company announced a two-year, $200,000 contribution to Hope Air today at a town hall of Associates and Hope Air representatives in Thornhill. Hope Air is the unique national charity that arranges free flights for Canadians who must travel to healthcare and are in financial need. The support from CAA Insurance Company will ...

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Professional Engineers Ontario Launches Investigations into Engineering Work Related to Nipigon River Bridge Failure

Oct 21, 2016 @ 11:11 On October 14, Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO), the licensing and regulating body for professional engineers and professional engineering in the province, initiated investigations related to the January 10, 2016 failure of the Nipigon River Bridge. “As a regulator, it’s our responsibility to investigate any possible engineering practice deficiencies related to the failure and determine if ...

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Update on the Nipigon River Bridge – Engineering Issues cause failure

Sep 22, 2016 @ 09:59   Today, Steven Del Duca, Minister of Transportation, and Michael Gravelle, Minister of Northern Development and Mines and MPP for Thunder Bay-Superior North issued the following statement: “Earlier today, we visited the Nipigon River Bridge to provide an update on the investigation into what happened earlier this year and see first-hand how work is progressing. ...

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Kenora OPP – Human Remains Identified as Delaine Copenace

Feb 1, 2018 @ 20:05 On Tuesday March 22, 2016, shortly after ‎8:00 a.m., officers from the Kenora Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) responded to a report of suspected human remains being located at the end of Water Street in Lake of the Woods in the City of Kenora.  The remains were discovered by city employees. The investigation ...

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Gates – Northerners deserve weekly progress reports on Nipigon bridge repairs

Wayne Gates, Ontario NDP Transportation Critic, sent the following open letter to the Minister of Transportation regarding the status of the Nipigon bridge repairs. January 29th, 2016 Honourable Minister of Transportation, Steven Del Duca Ministry of Transportation 77 Wellesley Street West Ferguson Block, 3rd Floor Toronto, ON M7A 1Z8 RE: Minister Del Duca, I am writing this letter in the ...

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MTO – Highway 11/17 at Nipigon River Bridge UPDATE

Jan 11, 2016 @ 09:41 – The Ministry of Transportation advises the motoring public that Highway 11/17, at the Nipigon River Bridge is open to single lane traffic.   Safety is our top priority.  Motorists are reminded to obey and follow all traffic signage and flag persons for the safety of both workers and drivers. Please reduce your speed when approaching the bridge ...

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NDP Joint Statement on Nipigon River Bridge

NDP joint statement on damaged Nipigon River Bridge from Northern Development Critic Michael Mantha, and NDP Transportation Critic Wayne Gates. “The failure of Nipigon River Bridge shows the Liberal government’s mismanagement of Northern Ontario’s roads and highways. The $106 million Nipigon River Bridge has been open for less than two months, and it failed in its first encounter with a ...

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Statement by the Minister of Transportation on Nipigon River Bridge

January 11, 2016 The following statement is from the Hon. Steven Del Duca, Ontario’s Minister of Transportation: “As Ontario’s Minister of Transportation, my number one priority is the safety of all roads and highways in this province. On Sunday afternoon, the OPP closed the Nipigon River Bridge to traffic due to safety concerns. Ministry staff worked through the night to ...

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A word from Dr. Kirby – Another Benefit of Moderate Exercise

Jul 9, 2015 @ 12:04 Here is another article from the New York Times reporting on two recent studies investigating the harmful effects of sugar and the way moderate amounts of exercise seem to prevent this damage. From the NY Times Oct 9, 2014. People who consume the sweetener, fructose – which is most people nowadays — risk developing a ...

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A Word from Dr. Kirby – A Big Salad Could Help You Live Longer

May 27, 2014 @ 12:02 This article recently showed up in my email supporting the common belief that fruits and vegetables are necessary components of a healthy diet. There is not a lot of definitive research indicating how many fruits and vegetables are necessary on a daily basis to promote optimum health so this piece of research helps to fill ...

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Municpality of Wawa Hires New CAO

The Municipality of Wawa is pleased to announce that after an extensive search process we have hired a new Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), Chris Wray. Many of you will be familiar with Chris as he was our CAO from 1999 to 2012 when he left to become CAO of the Township of Muskoka Lakes. On behalf of the entire Council, ...

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Government of Canada extends federal subsidy for the Algoma Central Railway passenger rail service – Service extended until March 2015

The Honourable Lisa Raitt, Minister of Transport, announced today that the Government of Canada will extend its $2.2-million federal subsidy to CN for the operation of the Algoma Central Railway (ACR) passenger rail service between Sault Ste. Marie and Hearst, Ontario until March 31, 2015. The one-year extension of federal support for the operation of the ACR passenger rail service will give affected stakeholders as well as local municipal ...

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