Author Archives: Doug Ford

Message du premier ministre Doug Ford à l’occasion de la fête du Canada

Aujourd’hui, le premier ministre Doug Ford a fait la déclaration suivante au sujet de la fête du Canada : « Tout au long de l’histoire du Canada, des gens ont fait d’incroyables sacrifices pour venir s’établir ici, entreprendre une nouvelle vie et bâtir un avenir meilleur pour eux-mêmes et leurs familles. Que votre famille soit arrivée au Canada récemment ou ...

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Premier Ford Shares Canada Day Message

Today, Premier Doug Ford issued the following statement to mark Canada Day: “Throughout Canada’s history, people have made incredible sacrifices to come here to start a new life and build a better future for themselves and their families. Regardless of whether your family arrived in Canada recently or has a long history here, Canada Day is a time for all ...

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Premier Doug Ford Issues Statement on Family Day

Today, Premier Doug Ford issued the following statement to mark the Family Day holiday: “As Ontarians gather with loved ones, I want to first take a moment to thank those who will be working today to keep the people of Ontario safe and looked after, including all the frontline workers in our retail and hospitality sectors. Our government will always ...

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Déclaration du premier ministre Ford à l’occasion du jour de la Famille

Le premier ministre Doug Ford a fait aujourd’hui la déclaration suivante pour souligner le jour de la Famille : « En ce moment où les Ontariens et les Ontariennes se réunissent avec leurs proches, je veux avant tout profiter de l’occasion pour remercier ceux et celles qui travailleront aujourd’hui, notamment le personnel de nos secteurs du commerce de détail et ...

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Premier Doug Ford Issues Statement on the Passing of Hazel McCallion

“At the request of the family, I announce with a heavy heart, the passing of my dear friend and mentor, Hazel McCallion. Hazel passed away peacefully at her home in Mississauga early this morning at the incredible age of 101. Hazel was the true definition of a public servant. She dedicated her long life to her community, including 36 years as ...

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Le premier ministre Ford offre ses vœux à l’occasion de Noël

Le premier ministre Doug Ford a fait la déclaration suivante à l’occasion de Noël : « Noël constitue l’occasion idéale pour se réunir avec nos proches et faire preuve de reconnaissance pour tout ce dont nous avons bénéficié pendant l’année. Il s’agit également d’une période propice à la générosité et à l’altruisme, car beaucoup d’entre nous redonnent à leur communauté ...

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Premier Doug Ford Delivers Christmas Greetings

Today, Premier Doug Ford issued the following statement to mark the Christmas holiday: “Christmas is a special chance to gather with our friends and family to appreciate the many blessings we’ve received this year. It’s also a time of generosity and selflessness as many of us give back to our communities by volunteering, donating to charities and making time to ...

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Premier Doug Ford issues statement on Remembrance Day

Today, Premier Doug Ford issued the following statement to mark Remembrance Day: “Today, I ask all Ontarians to join me in a moment of silence to honour our brave Canadian heroes who have sacrificed so much to defend our freedom, our rights, and our democracy. Remembrance Day is an opportunity for us to acknowledge the debt of gratitude every Canadian ...

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Premier Ford Sends Thanksgiving Greetings

Today Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario, issued the following statement on Thanksgiving: “Today, as people across Ontario celebrate the change of the season, it is important to pause and reflect on all that we have to be thankful for. Thanksgiving for some may mean volunteering for those in need, making room at the table for someone who would welcome the ...

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Vœux du premier ministre Ford à l’occasion de l’Action de grâce

Le premier ministre Doug Ford a émis la déclaration suivante à l’occasion de l’Action de grâce : « Au moment où les Ontariens et les Ontariennes célèbrent le changement de saison, il importe de faire une pause et de réfléchir à toutes les raisons que nous avons de rendre grâce. Pour certains, l’Action de grâce peut se traduire par des ...

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Premier Doug Ford Marks the Passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Today, Premier Doug Ford issued the following statement to commemorate the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II: “On this sad day, I join everyone across our province, country and the world in commemorating the remarkable life of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the Queen of Canada. Throughout her historic reign, she taught us the true meaning of selfless service ...

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Premier Doug Ford Honours the Memory of the Afzaal Family

Today, Premier Doug Ford released the following statement: “One year ago today, a horrific act of hate-motivated terrorism claimed the lives of four innocent people and left a young boy without his family. Today, as we continue to grieve this tragic and senseless loss, I join all Ontarians in honouring the memory of the Afzaal family. Racism, hate and discrimination ...

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Premier Ford Welcomes Governor General Mary Simon to Ontario

Premier Doug Ford welcomed Their Excellencies the Right Honourable Mary Simon, Governor General of Canada and Mr. Whit Fraser, on their first official visit to Ontario. “On behalf of the Ontario government, I am honoured to welcome Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary Simon on her first official visit to our province,” said Premier Doug Ford. “As Canada’s first Indigenous ...

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