A Wawa youth using one of the Library’s iPads during a 2016 Cyber Camp.
Feb 23, 2017 @ 12:09
There are 13 projects to choose from and you have three votes to use. You have until midnight tonight, February 23rd to vote. In the 2017 Budget, the provincial government will announce which ideas received the most votes and spend up to $3 million bringing up to eight ideas to life.
At the end of 2016 funded ended for internet access in public libraries, meaning that in order to maintain that service libraries would have to find money in their budgets to do so. In Wawa, there are several computer stations, as well as several iPads for clients to use. Wawa has offered “Computer/Tablet/Cell Phone” tech help for a number of years with the aid of the internet access in house. Free internet access has become a very valuable service for our community.
The Wawa Public Library would like for Wawaites to vote for investing in Internet access “Ontario to spend over $250,000 to fund a digital service about Internet access through public libraries in order to invest in community infrastructure projects.”
The thirteen projects are:
Fight Climate Change Through Conservation And A Low Carbon Economy
- Tree planting program in primary schools – Proposal to fund an event to fight climate change through conservation and a low carbon economy.
- Ban retailers from throwing out/destroying unsold food – Proposal to fund a pilot to fight climate change through conservation and a low carbon economy.
- Cargo bikes to deliver goods and transport people – Proposal to fund a pilot to fight climate change through conservation and a low carbon economy.
Help Students Achieve Their Full Potential
- Help Indigenous youth get teaching degrees and teach on reserve – Proposal to fund a pilot to help students achieve their full potential.
- Use community service hours to teach life saving skills to high school students – Proposal to fund a pilot to help students achieve their full potential.
Increase Access To Child Care
- Speech-language pathologists in childcare centres – Proposal to fund a pilot to increase access to child care.
Invest In Community Infrastructure Projects
- Internet access in libraries in rural, northern and Indigenous communities – Proposal to fund a digital service to invest in community infrastructure projects.
Make Government Services Faster And Easier To Use
- Mobile app to gamify government and public interactions – Proposal to fund a digital service to make government services faster and easier to use.
- Online tool to help Ontario Works recipients access programs – Proposal to fund a digital service to make government services faster and easier to use.
Make Health Care Easier To Access
- An online service for families to find doctors and doctors to find new patients – Proposal to fund a digital service to make health care easier to access.
- Access your health data online using ID card and secure login – Proposal to fund a digital service to make health care easier to access.
Strengthen Reconciliation Between Indigenous And Non-Indigenous Peoples
- Create indoor farms in northern Indigenous communities – Proposal to fund a pilot to strengthen reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.
Support Ontario’s Small Businesses
- Internship marketplace for small businesses and students – Proposal to fund a digital service to support Ontario’s small businesses.
Click on this link to make your choice known – https://talks.ontario.ca
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