Tag Archives: Northern Policy Institute (NPI)

Chasing Paper: Forms over Function in First Nation Administration

Northern Policy Institute’s latest commentary found that First Nations face hurdles when it comes to applying for and reporting on funding.   Chasing Paper: Forms over Function in First Nation Administration, by Caitlin McAuliffe explores a major obstacle for First Nations who receive funding: reporting. On average a First Nation submits over 130 reports annually about the funding they have ...

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L’IPN incite les gens à venir (ou à rester) dans le Nord

L’année dernière, l’Institut des politiques du Nord (IPN) s’est concentré sur la croissance de la population dans les régions du nord de l’Ontario. Des intermédiaires pour aider à créer des liens pour les nouveaux arrivants potentiels dans nos communautés, à l’analyse des données pour informer et façonner le nouveau programme pilote d’immigration dans les communautés rurales et du Nord, en ...

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NPI Gets People to Come (or Stay) North

Northern Policy Institute’s (NPI) focus last year was all about population growth in Ontario’s Northern Regions. From Matchmakers helping build connections for potential new arrivals in our communities, to analyzing data to inform and shape the new federal rural and northern immigration pilot, and through ongoing capacity building with our Experience North program. In collaboration with others, NPI is helping northerners and new arrivals to ...

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The Future of Jobs – Continuation

Following the release of Assessing Labour Market Shortages in the City of Thunder Bay, Northern Policy Institute (NPI) is releasing four more briefing notes to provide insight into current and potential future labour market shortages in the Northeast cities of Greater Sudbury, Timmins, North Bay and Sault Ste. Marie.   “Northern Ontario is ageing,” said author Alex Ross, former Senior ...

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Appel pour des membres du conseil d’administration

L’institut des politiques du Nord (IPN) recrute les membres de son conseil d’administration cet automne ! Venez faire partie d’une équipe qui travaille pour la croissance économique durable des communautés du Nord de l’Ontario.   L’institut des politiques du Nord est le groupe de réflexion indépendant du Nord de l’Ontario. Nous effectuons des recherches, recueillons et diffusons des données probantes, ...

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Northern Policy Institute (NPI) is recruiting board members

Northern Policy Institute (NPI) is recruiting board members this fall! Come be part of a team that works for the sustainable economic growth of Northern Ontario communities.   Northern Policy Institute is Northern Ontario’s independent think tank. We perform research, collect and disseminate evidence, and identify policy opportunities to support the growth of sustainable Northern Ontario communities. Our operations are ...

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