Other News

Ontario Introduces New Math Curriculum for Elementary Students

The Ontario government released the province’s new elementary math curriculum to better prepare students for work in a rapidly changing world, strengthen math competence and improve grades. The curriculum was developed over two years in consultation with parents, math educators, academics and math education experts, and is designed to reverse a decade of declining math scores. It will be available ...

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Ontario Moving Toronto and Peel Region into Stage 2


The Ontario government is allowing more businesses and services to open and getting more people back to work by moving the City of Toronto and Peel Region into Stage 2 on Wednesday. This decision was made in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health and the local medical officers of health. It is based on positive local trends of ...

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Célébration de la Journée nationale des peuples autochtones en Ontario

Le ministre des Affaires autochtones, Greg Rickford, a fait la déclaration suivante à l’occasion de la Journée nationale des peuples autochtones : « Aujourd’hui est la Journée nationale des peuples autochtones, une journée qui célèbre le patrimoine unique, la diversité culturelle et les riches traditions des Premières Nations, des Inuits et des Métis de l’Ontario. C’est aussi une journée pour ...

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Celebrating National Indigenous Peoples Day in Ontario

Greg Rickford, Minister of Indigenous Affairs, issued the following statement on National Indigenous Peoples Day: “Today is National Indigenous Peoples Day, a day to celebrate the unique heritage, cultural diversity and rich traditions of the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples in Ontario. It is also a day to recognize the contributions of Indigenous Peoples to our province, and the ...

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L’Ontario soutient les entreprises autochtones pendant la COVID-19 – programme de prêt


Le gouvernement de l’Ontario fournira jusqu’à 10 millions de dollars aux petites et moyennes entreprises autochtones pour les aider à obtenir les capitaux dont elles grandement besoin, alors que la province amorce la réouverture graduelle et sécuritaire de l’économie. Les entreprises autochtones qui ne sont pas admissibles aux mesures d’aide fédérales et provinciales mises en place pour aider les petites entreprises ...

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Ontario Supporting Indigenous-Owned Businesses During COVID-19 with Loan Program


The government of Ontario is providing up to $10 million to Indigenous-owned small and medium sized businesses to help them with much needed capital as the province begins to safely and gradually reopen the economy.   Loans of up to $50,000 will be available to businesses that are either ineligible for, or unable to access, existing federal and provincial COVID-19 ...

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L’Ontario fait des investissements sans précédent dans l’éducation publique


Aujourd’hui, le gouvernement de l’Ontario a annoncé une hausse des investissements de 736 millions de dollars pour l’année scolaire 2020-2021, consacrant ainsi plus de 25,5 milliards de dollars au secteur de l’éducation publique. Ce financement, au titre des Subventions pour les besoins des élèves (SBE), représente l’investissement le plus important de l’histoire de l’Ontario dans le système d’éducation financé par les fonds publics. ...

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Ontario Makes Historic Investment in Public Education


Today, the Ontario government announced that it is investing $736 million more in public education for the 2020-21 school year, increasing the total to more than $25.5 billion. This funding, through the Grants for Student Needs (GSN) program, represents the largest investment in public education in Ontario’s history. As a result, Ontario’s average per-pupil funding amount has reached $12,525, which ...

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Ontario Proposes to Further Protect Water Resources – Enhancements to its Water Quantity Management Program


The Ontario government is seeking public input on its water quantity management proposal. The proposal aims to protect the long-term sustainability of surface water and groundwater and ensure these important resources are responsibly managed and safeguarded now and into the future, as committed in the province’s Made-in-Ontario Environment Plan. The proposal would also give municipalities a greater say in allowing ...

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Ontario Enhancing COVID-19 Case and Contact Management – Exposure Notification App


As the province safely and gradually reopens, the Ontario government is enhancing case and contact management to quickly test, trace and isolate cases of COVID-19 to stop the spread of the virus and prepare for any potential future waves. These additional measures include a comprehensive case and contact management strategy, Protecting Ontarians through Enhanced Case and Contact Management, and, in partnership ...

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L’Ontario améliore la gestion des cas de COVID-19 et des contacts – La nouvelle application de traçage


Alors que la province se remet en marche de manière progressive et sécuritaire, le gouvernement de l’Ontario améliore la gestion des cas et des contacts dans le but de pouvoir rapidement identifier, tester et isoler les personnes exposées à la COVID-19, de se préparer à toute nouvelle vague de pandémie et d’enrayer la propagation du virus. Les nouvelles mesures mises en ...

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L’Ontario fait d’importants investissements dans la santé mentale et la technologie pour soutenir les élèves


Le ministre de l’Éducation de l’Ontario, Stephen Lecce, a annoncé deux nouveaux investissements : l’un de 15 millions de dollars pour l’achat de milliers d’ordinateurs de classe, et l’autre de 10 millions de dollars pour l’embauche de travailleurs en santé mentale supplémentaires. Ces nouvelles ressources permettront de veiller à ce que les élèves puissent retourner à l’école avec la confiance et les outils ...

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Ontario Makes Major Investment in Mental Health and Technology to Support Students


The Ontario Minister of Education, Stephen Lecce, announced $15 million to purchase thousands of classroom computers, and $10 million to hire additional mental health workers. These new resources will help ensure students can return to school with the confidence and the tools they need to succeed. This funding represents the highest amount the Ministry of Education has ever dedicated to ...

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Ontario Marks Three Months Since Declaration of Emergency


Premier Doug Ford issued the following statement reflecting on the province’s response to an unprecedented international public health crisis: “Three months ago, our government made the difficult, but necessary decision to enact a provincial Declaration of Emergency in response to the outbreak of COVID-19, closing down non-essential businesses and limiting organized public events and social gatherings. It marked the beginning ...

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