
Sex: Let’s talk about it

February 12 to 18 is Sexual and Reproductive Health Week and Algoma Public Health wants to remind you about the importance of starting a conversation about healthy sexuality.   Many sexually transmitted infections (STIs) have few or no noticeable symptoms and people may not be aware that they are infected. These infections can lead to serious health complications if left ...

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Mon diabète ne me rend pas « malade », donc pourquoi suivre un programme d’éducation en matière de diabète?

Beaucoup de patients ne savent pas si un programme d’éducation en matière de diabète (PED) leur serait utile, et pensent qu’un tel programme ne s’adresse qu’aux personnes très malades. « Je croyais que mon diabète n’était pas grave et qu’il est bien maîtrisé. Pourquoi dois-je suivre un programme d’éducation en matière de diabète? Je vois mon médecin ou infirmière praticienne plusieurs ...

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Hope Air celebrates 30 Years of Flights

  It is said that we are six or fewer steps away from each other so that a chain of “a friend of a friend” statements can be made to connect any two people in a maximum of six steps “six degrees of separation”. That tenuous type of connection led to this article. When the Nipigon River Bridge failed, Wawa-news covered the ...

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A word from Dr. Kirby – Another Benefit of Moderate Exercise

Jul 9, 2015 @ 12:04 Here is another article from the New York Times reporting on two recent studies investigating the harmful effects of sugar and the way moderate amounts of exercise seem to prevent this damage. From the NY Times Oct 9, 2014. People who consume the sweetener, fructose – which is most people nowadays — risk developing a ...

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A Word from Dr. Kirby – A Big Salad Could Help You Live Longer

May 27, 2014 @ 12:02 This article recently showed up in my email supporting the common belief that fruits and vegetables are necessary components of a healthy diet. There is not a lot of definitive research indicating how many fruits and vegetables are necessary on a daily basis to promote optimum health so this piece of research helps to fill ...

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Brown Announces New Infection Control Funding for LDHC

Published on: Mar 30, 2005 The Government of Ontario is improving the health and safety of patients and staff by providing $98,600 to Lady Dunn Health Centre to enhance its infection control capacity, Mike Brown, M.P.P. for Algoma-Manitoulin announced today on behalf of Health and Long-Term Care Minister George Smitherman. “Infection control in hospitals should be a top priority in ...

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