Students and staff École Saint Nom de Jésus in Hornepayne were very happy to meet their friends once again during the smooth return to learning last week. The teaching continues while respecting health and safety protocols and new routines. Without a doubt, CSC Nouvelon students are in good hands! “The health and well-being of our students and staff ...
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Program Launched to support Women in Social Enterprise
NORDIK Institute’s Social Enterprise and Entrepreneurship (SEE) Initiative is launching a two-part program to support women in developing their community-change ideas into social enterprise. Part One, Idea Development to Action Plan, draws out peoples’ passion for addressing a social, cultural or environmental concern, and shaping it into a business idea. The online program is tailored to women’s needs with opportunities ...
Read More »Hornepayne – A new learning adventure begins for CSC Nouvelon students
Earlier today, Conseil scolaire catholique Nouvelon students returned to school for the first time since mid-March. School staff were always excited to see the new and returning students. Among those returning were the students from École Saint Nom de Jésus in Hornepayne. “In light of the significant changes that we are living in since the start of ...
Read More »A new school year begins today
Conseil scolaire catholique Nouvelon staff are looking forward to welcoming students starting today Tuesday, September 8, the first school day of the 2020-2021 school year. This year’s theme “L’éducation catholique : cultiver l’espérance ” (Catholic Education: Nurturing Hope) incites students and staff to put their faith in the Lord to find new strength. “We are always excited to see our new ...
Read More »La nouvelle année scolaire s’amorce le 8 septembre
C’est avec grand plaisir que le personnel du Conseil scolaire catholique Nouvelon accueillera ses élèves à compter du mardi 8 septembre, soit la première journée de l’année scolaire 2020-2021. Les élèves seront accueillis cette année sous la thématique « L’éducation catholique : cultiver l’espérance » qui incite les élèves et le personnel scolaire à mettre leur espérance dans le Seigneur ...
Read More »Gradual return to CSC Nouvelon schools from September 8 to 11
The majority of Conseil scolaire catholique Nouvelon students who have chosen in-class instruction will be returning to school gradually during the first week of school (Tuesday, September 8 to Friday, September 11, 2020). This staggered entry will allow school teams to ensure the implementation of enhanced health and safety protocols and new routines. The gradual return schedule of each school ...
Read More »Sault College Extends Withdrawal Period to Further Support First Year Students
Recognizing that the current situation surrounding COVID-19 has re-shaped post-secondary education for the upcoming fall semester, Sault College understands the importance of being flexible and providing options to further support its students during these unprecedented times. To complement this, Sault College is providing its full-time first year students with an extended opportunity to make an informed decision regarding their academic ...
Read More »Ontario Releases Plan for Safe Reopening of Schools in September
The Ontario government is announcing the safe reopening of schools for in-class instruction beginning this September. The government has unveiled a plan that prioritizes the health and safety of students and staff, and provides school boards with unprecedented resources and flexibility, while accommodating regional differences in trends of key public health indicators. This plan was developed in consultation with the ...
Read More »L’Ontario continue de rouvrir les centres de garde d’enfants de façon progressive et sécuritaire pour aider les parents qui travaillent
Aujourd’hui, le gouvernement de l’Ontario a annoncé son plan visant à autoriser les centres de garde agréés de l’Ontario à rouvrir à plein régime, à partir du 1er septembre 2020. Cette décision a été prise en consultation avec le médecin-hygiéniste en chef et le Groupe de commandement pour la lutte contre la COVID-19. Les parents pourront ainsi retourner au travail en ...
Read More »Revised School Year Calendar for 2020-2021 Approved by School Boards
Based on June 30, 2020 Ministry memo, boards were encouraged to start the school year by September 1, 2020 to maximize instructional time for students. Further, it advised that boards schedule three Professional Activity (PA) Days prior to the start of student instruction, to allow for some training that may be necessary to prepare for the reopening of schools. The ...
Read More »Célébration des finissantes et des finissants de l’ÉS Saint-Joseph
Le 24 juin dernier, les élèves de la 12e année de l’École secondaire Saint-Joseph (Wawa) qui complétait leur diplôme du secondaire furent célébrés en grande pompe. En raison des contraintes en matière de santé et des mesures de distanciation sociale visant à contrer la propagation de la Covid-19, l’école secondaire a valorisé ses élèves en diffusant une célébration des ...
Read More ȃS Saint-Joseph graduating students celebrated
On June 24, the grade 12 students graduating from École secondaire Saint-Joseph in Wawa were celebrated. As a result of government health and social distancing measures taken to counter the spread of COVID-19, the secondary school honoured its students through a virtual graduation ceremony. Students graduating from École secondaire Saint-Joseph (Wawa) include : Sarah Chevrier, Bianca Hryhorchuk, Nicolas Lafrenière, Cora ...
Read More ȃSC Trillium graduating students celebrated
On June 24, the grade 12 students graduating from École secondaire catholique Trillium in Chapleau were celebrated. As a result of government health and social distancing measures taken to counter the spread of COVID-19, the secondary school honoured its students through a virtual graduation ceremony. Students graduating from École secondaire catholique Trillim include : Mireille Arseneault, Geoffrey Binette, Michael Cole Fortin, ...
Read More »Célébration des finissants de l’ÉSC Trillium
Le 24 juin dernier, les élèves de la 12e année de l’École secondaire catholique Trillium (Chapleau) qui complétait leur diplôme du secondaire furent célébrés en grande pompe. En raison des contraintes en matière de santé et des mesures de distanciation sociale visant à contrer la propagation de la Covid-19, l’école secondaire a valorisé ses élèves en diffusant une célébration des ...
Read More »Ontario government invests in free online health and safety training
As the province safely and gradually reopens, the Ontario government is investing $3 million to provide free online health and safety training for the first time. These virtual courses will make it easier for job seekers and workers to get essential qualifications, while practising physical distancing and preventing the spread of COVID-19. The announcement was made today by Premier Doug ...
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