Governments do not have an unlimited pile of cash. This point often gets missed in the public debate about what government should, or should not, do. Passionate advocates for projects will simply argue that their program is worth it, or that it only costs so many cents per taxpayer. Politicians and public servants on the other hand, face the reality ...
Read More »Editorials & Letters
Le Projet de loi omnibus de Doug Ford met en péril l’éducation en langue française : le NPD
Doug Ford fait encore une fois faux bond aux Franco-Ontarien(ne)s en déposant une loi omnibus qui pose de sérieux risques pour l’intégrité de l’éducation en langue française, ont déclaré la porte-parole de l’opposition officielle en matière d’éducation, Marit Stiles, et le porte-parole de l’opposition officielle en matière d’affaires francophones, Guy Bourgouin. L’annexe 15 du Projet de loi 197 élargira ...
Read More »Ford’s omnibus bill puts French-language education at risk: NDP
Doug Ford is failing Franco-Ontarians yet again with omnibus legislation that poses serious risks to the integrity of French language education, said Official Opposition Education Critic, Marit Stiles, and Official Opposition Critic for Francophone Affairs, Guy Bourgouin. Schedule 15 of Bill 197 will expand the mandate of the Ontario French-language Educational Communications Authority and further centralize the establishment, administration ...
Read More »NDP: Ford must step up with more support for children with special needs during COVID-19
NDP MPP Monique Taylor (Hamilton Mountain) tabled a motion in the Ontario legislature Tuesday urging the Ford government to implement a plan to meet the needs of children with special needs and their families during the COVID-19 pandemic. “For months, families have been struggling to support their children with special needs and parents are feeling isolated and burnt out.” ...
Read More »Doug Ford once again breaks Ontario’s environmental law
Ontario’s Auditor General has confirmed that Doug Ford ignored her warnings and broke Ontario’s environmental laws yet again, this time by ramming through major environmental changes without public consultation on its omnibus Bill 197. After concerns raised by NDP Environment critic Ian Arthur, and in an interview with the National Observer, Bonnie Lysyk, Ontario’s Auditor General, confirmed that the government ...
Read More »Ford’s refusal to address LTC staff shortages is abandoning seniors before possible second wave: NDP
The Ontario NDP’s Long-term Care critic, Teresa Armstrong, released the following statement in response to an Ontario Health Coalition (OHC) survey that shows 95 per cent of long-term care staff report seniors’ basic needs continue to go unmet due to staffing shortages: “Thousands of families are grieving the loss of a loved one in long-term care, and countless more ...
Read More »Session was a missed opportunity to support schools, LTC, small business, says Horwath
After the Doug Ford government abruptly shut down the Ontario legislature Tuesday, NDP Leader Andrea Horwath said the entire sitting was a lost opportunity to help people make it through COVID-19. “We could have used this session to make seniors safer in long-term care, including adding more workers for every shift, and making their jobs full-time and better paid,” said ...
Read More »NDP urges Ford to stop letting auto insurers gouge Ontario drivers as premiums rise yet again
Tom Rakocevic, Ontario NDP Auto Insurance critic, is calling on the Ford government to stop letting auto insurers gouge Ontarians, as drivers get handed huge rate increases mid-pandemic. The Ford government has refused to require auto insurers to provide discounts during the pandemic as accidents and driving plunged. Now the quarterly update on auto insurance rates is overdue and ...
Read More »Ford rams through laws that do nothing to help Ontarians when they need it most
NDP Official Opposition House Leader Gilles Bisson (Timmins) has issued the following statement: “Doug Ford has abruptly shut down the Ontario legislature for the summer after ramming through legislation that will do nothing to help Ontarians dealing with the ongoing COVID-19 health and economic crisis people across the province are still dealing with. Andrea Horwath and the NDP wanted ...
Read More »Letter – Anti-rail report flawed and counterproductive
Dear Brenda, The Northern Policy Institute (NPI) recently published a report titled “The Thin Case for Passenger Rail in Ontario’s Northern Regions” which has left me in a state a profound dismay and disappointment. It contains some very misleading information and does little to improve sustainable transportation options desired by Northerners. The document in question attempts to undermine ...
Read More »NDP calls for independent Preparedness Review as preparation for second wave
NDP Leader Andrea Horwath is calling on the government to conduct an independent Preparedness Review of the government response to the COVID-19 pandemic and Ontario’s readiness for a potential second wave. “People and small businesses are doing their part to avoid a resurgence of COVID-19, but is the government doing everything it can to shield us against the health ...
Read More »Municipalities need more than a band-aid
Jeff Burch MPP (Niagara Centre), the Official Opposition NDP’s critic for Municipal Affairs, has issued a statement following the federal government’s announcement of a Safe Restart agreement which includes targeted funding for municipalities: “The funding in this agreement is a necessary first step to address the ongoing financial crisis facing Ontario’s municipalities. $2 billion in federal funding allows municipalities ...
Read More »LTC announcement shows Ford’s renewed commitment to private LTC
NDP Leader Andrea Horwath released the following statement in response to Doug Ford’s long-term care announcement, in which he commits to altering the funding formula for long-term care construction: “The announcement by Premier Doug Ford means the for-profit corporations that have failed seniors for years could get even more public money. Today feels like a re-run of years of ...
Read More »NDP presents emergency action plan for full, safe return to school in September
As the Ford government sits on its hands instead of taking action to ensure a full return to schools in September, the Ontario NDP is putting forward an emergency action plan that would help get kids safely back to class five days a week in the fall and work for parents and teachers. That plan, captured in a motion tabled ...
Read More »Stage 3 plans must not take Ontario one step forward, two steps back
Official Opposition NDP Leader Andrea Horwath said safely moving into Stage 3 should come with help and support from the government. “Ontarians have worked hard to flatten the curve. It’s because of the collective effort and sacrifice of individuals and businesses that we’ve seen a steady decline in new COVID-19 infections,” said Horwath. “There is no question that ...
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