Ford government fails to provide funding or plan to transform child welfare in Ontario

Monique Taylor, NDP critic for Children and Youth Services, and Sol Mamakwa, NDP critic for Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation released the following statement in response to the Ford government’s announcement on children services on Wednesday.


“We share the desire of Indigenous communities, families and child welfare providers for real transformation of the child welfare system that centres on the welfare and rights of children and youth in care, and that looks to keep these children in their communities cared for by those they know.


Unfortunately, we don’t see any details of this transformation in the Ford government’s announcement today. There was no new funding, and no details of how the government will actually start to transform the child welfare system.


Dozens of children and youth have died while in child services since the pandemic began.  Eleven of those children were Indigenous. To date this has been met with silence by the Ford government. 


Without details, real resources or money, no timelines, and no commitment to transform the laws that govern child welfare, the Ford government is not dealing with these critical issues when Indigenous communities and children and youth in care desperately need a plan.”

Ontario NDP