A mix of sun and cloud with 30 percent chance of showers early this morning. Otherwise sunny. High 25. UV index 8 or very high.
Tonight – Clear. Becoming partly cloudy late this evening. Low 13.
Status of COVID-19cases in Algoma
There are four active cases of COVID-19 in the Algoma District today (Sault Ste. Marie and Area).
Immunization Uptake and Coverage in Algoma (Last updated: 10:30 AM, July 21, 2021)
Doses administered to Algoma residents
Total doses administered – 141,843
# of people who are fully vaccinated – 60,770
# of people who have received at least 1 dose – 81,073
70.8% has received at least one dose
79.7% (aged 12+) has received at least one dose
59.9% (aged 12+) are fully vaccinated (received two doses)
Northeast Forest Fire Region
Waw007 – 0.1ha, out (Cameron Lake)
WAW008 – 2.8ha (up from 1ha), being held (north of Beeline Lake, east of Killala Lake)
WAW009 – 4.2ha (same as on the 19th) 0.1ha, not under control (west of Eric Lake, Hwy 614)
WAW010 – 2.7ha (just south of WAW007 (Cameron Lake) – A CL415 waterbomber and lead birddog aircraft were on the scene of this 0.9 of a hectare fire. It remains not yet under control at the time of this update (Monday 19, 2021).
WAW11 – 0.1ha (30km east of Marathon) – Out
Active Fires | Not Under Control | Held | Under Control | Observed |
11 | 1 | 0 | 6 | 7 |
The fire hazard is low to moderate across the central and southern portion of the region, while areas in the north are showing a moderate to high hazard today.
Northwest Forest Fire Region
Active Fires | Not Under Control | Held | Under Control | Observed |
166 | 83 | 13 | 20 | 50 |
The wildland fire hazard remains high to extreme in the eastern portion of the region as well as areas of Red Lake, Dryden, and Sioux Lookout districts. A low to moderate hazard exists in the southwest portion of the region and areas of the far north.
There have been three First Nation communities affected by forest fire smoke: Poplar Hill First Nation and Deer Lake First Nation (evacuated) and Pikangikum First Nation which are ongoing evacuations. 2,582 evacuees are being hosted in Thunder Bay, Kapuskasing, Cochrane, Dryden, Sudbury, Sioux Lookout, Timmins, and Cornwall.
ON511 continues to warn that along Hwy 105 (north of Ear Falls and Red Lake area), visibility can be reduced due to smoke from nearby forest fires. Please make sure your headlights are on and use caution travelling Hwy 105 northerly to Red Lake.
Restricted Fire Zone boundaries updated to include Thunder Bay and portions of Nipigon and Wawa districts
Due to high to extreme forest fire hazard conditions, effective 12:01 a.m. Saturday, July 10, the Ontario Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry has issued updated boundaries for a Restricted Fire Zone in the Kenora, Fort Frances, Dryden and Thunder Bay Districts and portions of the Sioux Lookout, Red Lake, Nipigon and Wawa Districts. The Restricted Fire Zone will be in effect until further notice. Outdoor fires are banned. Portable gas stoves may still be used BUT must be handled with extreme care.
News Tidbits:
Yesterday, approx 100 forest fire evacuees from North Spirit Lake arrived in Sault Ste. Marie. They are staying at the Water Tower Inn.
SSM Police Services are warning of fraudulent activity regarding requests for gift cards over the phone.
“In at least three occasions, potential victims have received phone calls from fraudsters claiming to be employees of a bank or financial institution. In all three incidents, potential victims were told $1,800 was wrongfully withdrawn from their account, the institution caught the error but deposited $2,200 back into their account. The fraudsters then instruct the potential victim to purchase $1,000 in gift cards. They also instruct people on the phone not to contact their bank, financial institution or police.
Luckily, all three of the potential victims realized this was fraudulent and did not send them gift cards or money. Seniors were the targets in all three incidents police are aware of.
If someone contacts you requesting money while also asking you not to tell anyone, it is a sign something is not right.
It was terrifying to read that meteorologists are saying that nearly a year’s worth of rain fell in the province’s capital of Zhengzhou in the past three days. This rainfall forced the evacuation of approx. 200,000 residents across the broader region. The immense rainfall is one problem, but scientists are stating the rapid development of this city (12 million) has displaced much of the fertile ground which historically absorbed water from swelling rivers. Closer to home, Toronto has experienced that same problem, where urbanization doesn’t allow for rainfall to soak into the ground, it accumulates and creates huge runoff and pooling areas.
- Tuesday Morning News – February 18 - February 18, 2025
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- Saturday at the Carnival - February 15, 2025