From the Branch – July 14

OUR picture is the feeling of happiness.

Wow, just imagine the Poppy as a symbol for fallen soldiers celebrates 100 years. When I was a child it was always nice to see Poppies and bachelor buttons as weeds between the grain. But now they use herbicides to kill all that stuff.


At the Branch we are hopefully seeing a light at the horizon if Friday’s update means opening the lounge and maybe the hall with restrictions. It sure has been a long haul and everyone is looking at the easing of restrictions, and maybe. just maybe soon things change.


These 2 soldiers walked in town on leave and saw a dog licking himself.

So the one said to the other “I wish I could do that!”

So the other said, “Better not he might bite YOU!!”


To all our Comrades sick at home. In the hospital or nursing homes You are in our thoughts and prayers and we wish you well.

Nick Veldt
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