Brookfield Renewable Donates $5 000 to Spring Campaign

L-R: Janet Besner-LDHC Foundation Chair, Julie Chagnon-Manager Stakeholder Relations, Claude Samson-Senior Manager of Operations from Central Operations and Bruce Welbourne -Manager Operations.


Julie Chagnon, Claude Samson and Bruce Welbourne from Brookfied Renewable recently visited the Lady Dunn Health Centre and made a gift to the Foundation to support the purchase of a Digital Radiography system for the x-ray department. Kadean Ogilvie-Pinter, LDHC CEO, provided the representatives of Brookfield with a tour of the hospital and thanked them for their continued support. Brookfield Renewable’s donation to the Lady Dunn Health Centre Foundation’s Spring Campaign demonstrates its commitment to healthcare in this community. Brookfield Renewable has generously contributed a total of $11 340 to the LDHC Foundation since 2010. Thank you for your continued support!

Generous Hearts ~ the key to a healthy future.

LDHC Foundation
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