Mar 1, 2017 @ 13:38
Monday evening, February 27, 2017, the Northern Credit Union – Wawa Branch held its Annual Branch Meeting. Delegate Board Chair Ulo Pihelgas was the chair for the meeting, and welcomed all; Branch Manager Liz Talian-Clarke and her staff. Fourteen branch members attended the meeting,
The minutes for the last Annual Branch Meeting were accepted with a minor amendment. Chair Ulo Pihelgas gave a report on the activities carried out by the NCU Delegates over the past year. Some of these activities included the Christmas Bake Sale and the donations made to both local high schools. Donations were also made to the Lady Dunn Health Centre Foundation, Wawa Minor Hockey, and Iris Place. Six local high school students also received bursaries to assist with their future educational pursuits. Members of the Delegate Board also volunteered at the Wawa Black Fly Run, organized The Mitten Tree at the Branch, and continued to collect unused soap/shampoo courtesy bottles for CHADWIC Home, Wawa Area Services and Algoma District Services.
Branch Manager Liz Talian-Clarke explained that with the help of her staff, the Wawa Branch has grown in membership again and in service – 14.14%. “That’s a lot of extra work, and it’s amazing that we were able to in a small branch like we have. But our staff are absolutely amazing people, and they really need to be credited with the amount of work that they did and the learning curve that they had to go through. They had to stretch their targets, they had to stretch their comfort zones, and they did a fantastic job.” She recognized her staff: Helene Bradley, Tracy Davidson, Jennifer Gatz, Tammy Landry, and Eric Beland.
Through technology NCU Board of Directors Chair Tim Foster gave his thoughts via a pre-recorded video on the progress of the Northern Credit Union, the Delegate Board. He spoke about the progress with harnessing technology to create better apps and products for NCU members. In 2016, NCU welcomed new branches in Espanola and Saugeen.
The election of delegates was next with all acclaimed. The 2017-18 NCU Board is (L-R) Bill Devries, Ulo Pihelgas, Doris Zagar, Lois Dorey, Anita Kraly, Nick Veldt, Leo, and Branch Manager Liz Talian-Clarke (missing is Jayne Griffith).
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