Health Canada is aware of reports, including on social media, that reference safety issues with the use of ibuprofen in COVID-19 cases. There is no scientific evidence that establishes a link between ibuprofen, or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and the worsening of COVID‑19 symptoms. The Government of Canada is monitoring the situation closely, including reviewing new information and reports as they ...
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Canada provides update on exemptions to travel restrictions to protect Canadians and support economy
The Government of Canada is providing an update on travel restrictions put in place to stem the spread of COVID-19. Exemptions to the air travel restrictions will apply to foreign nationals who have already committed to working, studying or making Canada their home, and travel by these individuals will be considered essential travel for land border restrictions. The exemptions include ...
Read More »Prime Minister announces temporary border agreement with the United States
COVID-19 continues to evolve rapidly, and the Government of Canada is working around the clock to limit its spread and do everything necessary to protect the health and safety of Canadians. The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, announced on March 18 that Canada and the United Stateshave agreed to temporarily restrict all non-essential travel across the Canada-U.S. border, which will take ...
Read More »New Travel Restrictions between Canada & US
In accordance with orders from the United States and Canadian federal authorities, temporary travel restrictions are being placed on all land ports of entry and ferries between the U.S. and Canada, effective at 11:59 p.m. March 20. These restrictions directly impact the Blue Water Bridge (BWB) in Port Huron and the International Bridge in Sault Ste. Marie. Border protection agencies ...
Read More »Police Enforcement to help limit spread of COVID-19
The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) wants to ensure everyone is aware of how police services are expected to respond to the Government of Ontario’s recent health emergency declaration related to limiting transmission of COVID-19. Although voluntary compliance is always preferred, under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMCPA), there are consequences for individuals and businesses that choose to defy ...
Read More »Ontario Stepping Up Measures to Limit the Spread of COVID-19 in Correctional System
Today, Christine Elliott, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health, and Sylvia Jones, Solicitor General, issued the following statement regarding regulatory changes to temporary absences and parole at Ontario’s adult correctional facilities as a further precautionary response to COVID-19: “As Ontario continues to act to slow the spread of COVID-19, we are making further changes to protect our frontline workers and ...
Read More »Province Launches First Phase of the Learn at Home Portal
Today, Premier Doug Ford joined Stephen Lecce, Minister of Education to launch the first phase of Learn at Home and Apprendre à la maison, a new online portal that will provide resources for families so students can continue their education while schools are closed due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. “As a father myself, I know parents always want the best for their ...
Read More »2019-20 OHL Regular Season schedule Cancelled
Ontario Hockey League Commissioner David Branch announced today the conclusion of the 2019-20 OHL Regular Season. Following a meeting with the OHL Board of Governors and consultation with medical professionals, it was determined that the remaining 56 games of the 2019-20 OHL Regular Season schedule will be cancelled and not played. “In the interest of the safety of our players, ...
Read More »Ontario Northland réduit temporairement ses services ferroviaires voyageurs entre Cochrane et Moosonee
Après en avoir discuté avec des dirigeants communautaires, Ontario Northland a décidé de réduire temporairement la fréquence de service du train de passagers Polar Bear Express. Le train fonctionnera deux jours par semaine les lundis et jeudis à compter du 26 mars jusqu’à nouvel ordre. Aucun changement ne sera apporté aux heures de départ et d’arrivée. Il est important de ...
Read More »Ontario Northland Temporarily Reducing Rail Passenger Service Between Cochrane and Moosonee
Ontario Northland is temporarily reducing its service for the Polar Bear Express passenger train following a discussion with community leaders. The train will operate two days per week on Mondays and Thursdays, effective March 26, until further notice. There will be no changes to departure and arrival times. Freight service between Cochrane and Moosonee will continue as scheduled Tuesday and ...
Read More »To avoid a Sewage Back-up don’t treat your toilet like a trash can
There is never a good time for a toilet to back-up in your home, or the sewer line for your apartment building, or your whole street. “But now, at a time when we are being quarantined or self-isolated at home due to COVID-19, nobody wants a situation that would force you out of your home where you are safest”, ...
Read More »Ontario Extending Validation Periods for Driver, Vehicle and Carrier Products, Services and Health Cards
Ontario continues to take decisive action to protect the health and safety of all individuals and families. As part of the province’s enhanced measures, the Ministry of Transportation and Ministry of Health, in cooperation with the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services and ServiceOntario, is extending the validity period of driving products, services and health cards. These changes reduce the ...
Read More »Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks with the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke yesterday with the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump. The two leaders discussed ongoing close coordination and the additional steps they are taking to protect the health and safety of their citizens in response to the COVID-19 virus. They agreed to temporarily restrict non-essential travel across the Canada-U.S. border. Travellers will no ...
Read More »Time to work together to help stop the spread – COVID-19 knows no boundaries
As many Canadians continue to return home from international travel, the Canadian Medical Association wants to reinforce that everyone needs to take public health measures around COVID-19 seriously. Here are some key reminders: If you have traveled over the past few weeks, self-isolate for 14 days. Do not have close contact with visitors, especially older adults or those with medical ...
Read More »Ontario is Protecting Seniors’ Health and Safety
Today, Christine Elliott, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health, and Raymond Cho, Minister for Seniors and Accessibility, issued the following statement regarding Ontario’s older adults in response to COVID-19: “The health and wellness of seniors is of the utmost importance to our government. That is why yesterday Premier Doug Ford announced a $5 million investment to protect seniors in retirement ...
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