Justice Hennessey released her long awaited decision concerning phase 2 of the Robinson Huron, Robinson Superior Treaty annuities case. Justice Henessy agreed with the claimant’s arguments that Treaties are not simply contracts and rejected Ontario’s defence that “Crown Immunity” applied to the Robinson Treaties as well as rejected Ontario’s defence that their Limitation statutes applied to Treaties. Justice Hennessey rejected ...
Read More »Other News
Canadian Armed Forces Depart Ontario Long-Term Care Homes
The Ontario government expressed its gratitude to members of the Canadian Armed Forces who went above and beyond the call of duty to temporarily support high-priority long-term care homes during the height of the COVID-19 outbreak. The final team concludes its work today. Under Operation LASER, the Canadian Armed Forces deployed teams consisting of nurses, medical technicians and additional personnel. ...
Read More »Les Forces armées canadiennes quittent les foyers de soins de longue durée de l’Ontario
Le gouvernement de l’Ontario a exprimé sa gratitude envers les membres des Forces armées canadiennes qui ont fait plus que leur devoir pour soutenir temporairement les foyers de soins de longue durée hautement prioritaires, au plus fort de l’éclosion de COVID-19. La dernière équipe termine son travail aujourd’hui. Dans le cadre de l’opération LASER, les Forces armées canadiennes ont déployé ...
Read More »Ontario government invests in free online health and safety training
As the province safely and gradually reopens, the Ontario government is investing $3 million to provide free online health and safety training for the first time. These virtual courses will make it easier for job seekers and workers to get essential qualifications, while practising physical distancing and preventing the spread of COVID-19. The announcement was made today by Premier Doug ...
Read More »Le gouvernement de l’Ontario investit dans une formation en ligne gratuite sur la santé et la sécurité
Alors que la province se remet en marche de manière progressive et sécuritaire, le gouvernement investit 3 millions de dollars afin d’offrir gratuitement, et ce pour la première fois, une formation en ligne sur la santé et la sécurité au travail. Ces cours virtuels permettront aux demandeurs d’emploi et aux travailleurs et travailleuses d’acquérir plus facilement des compétences essentielles tout ...
Read More »L’Ontario accorde un financement supplémentaire aux municipalités et aux partenaires
Le gouvernement de l’Ontario fournit aux municipalités et à ses partenaires communautaires autochtones des régions urbaines un financement supplémentaire de 150 millions de dollars pour mieux protéger les personnes vulnérables de la COVID-19. Cet investissement permettra d’améliorer les refuges pour sans-abri et de créer des possibilités de logement à long terme. Il vient plus que doubler l’aide financière distribuée par ...
Read More »Ontario Provides Additional Funding to Municipalities and Urban Indigenous Community Partners to Develop Long-Term, Innovative Housing Solutions
The Ontario government is providing municipalities and urban Indigenous community partners with an additional $150 million to continue to protect vulnerable people from COVID-19 by improving homeless shelters and creating opportunities for longer-term housing. This investment more than doubles the funding currently flowing to local municipal service managers and urban Indigenous program administrators through the Social Services Relief Fund. Details ...
Read More »Nouveau décret d’urgence et modification d’un décret existant pour aider les établissements de restauration à agrandir leurs terrasses plus rapidement
Le gouvernement de l’Ontario aide les propriétaires de restaurants et de bars à reprendre leurs activités et à accueillir un plus grand nombre de clients de manière sécuritaire en émettant un nouveau décret d’urgence et en modifiant un décret existant, tous deux pris en application de l’article 7.0.2 (4) de la Loi sur la protection civile et la gestion des situations ...
Read More »New and Amended Emergency Orders Will Help Establishments Expand Patios Faster
The Ontario government is helping restaurant and bar owners reopen and safely serve more customers by issuing a new emergency order and amending another under s.7.0.2 (4) of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, which will allow municipalities to quickly pass temporary bylaws for the creation and extension of patios and allow covered outdoor dining areas to serve customers. ...
Read More »Lake Superior Water levels to remain high through the summer
Basin conditions were generally near average or drier than average in June, around both Lake Superior and Lake Michigan-Huron. As a result, water levels did not rise as much as they typically do in June. Nonetheless, water levels are expected to remain high over at least the next few months and further record-highs are possible if wet conditions return. Furthermore, ...
Read More »L’Ontario marque l’historique entrée en vigueur du nouvel accord commercial nord-américain
Le ministre du Développement économique, de la Création d’emplois et du Commerce, M. Vic Fedeli, a fait aujourd’hui la déclaration ci-après au sujet de l’Accord Canada-États-Unis-Mexique (ACEUM). « Le gouvernement de l’Ontario se réjouit de la mise en œuvre de cet important accord commercial et espère que l’accord apportera une certitude accrue pour aider les entreprises à croître et aider ...
Read More »Ontario Marks Historic Implementation of New North American Trade Agreement
Today, Vic Fedeli, Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade issued the following statement on the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA): “The Ontario government welcomes the implementation of this important trade agreement and looks forward to the greater certainty it provides to help businesses grow and protect jobs across the continent. Nearly one in five Ontario jobs depend on trade, ...
Read More »Ontario Updates and Modernizes Regulations and Statutes
The following legislation and regulation changes will come into effect on July 1, 2020. They are listed by responsible ministry: Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs To ensure the continued protection of animal health, a regulatory amendment to the Livestock Medicines Act will extend outlet licences for an additional year so they can continue to supply medicines to the farm community. ...
Read More »L’Ontario met à jour et modernise ses lois et règlements
Les changements aux lois et aux règlements qui suivent entreront en vigueur le 1er juillet 2020. Ils sont énumérés par ministère responsable : Ministère de l’Agriculture, de l’Alimentation et des Affaires rurales Dans le but d’assurer la protection continue de la santé animale, une modification réglementaire à la Loi sur les médicaments pour le bétail prolongera les permis des points de vente ...
Read More »AFN National Chief Bellegarde happy to see Robinson-Huron Treaty annuities case move one step closer to providing justice for First Nations
National Chief Perry Bellegarde of the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) said he is pleased that the Robinson-Huron Treaty annuities case was successful in its second phase of legal challenges and will now move on to determining proper compensation for Canada’s use of the traditional lands First Nations agreed to share. “The First Nations leaders who entered into Treaty with ...
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