Other News

Funding will create new jobs and promote technology sector in Northern Ontario


The Ontario government is providing more than $1 million to support the technology sector, create jobs and help boost the digital economy in the North. Funding is being delivered to eight companies through the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC). “As we focus on economic recovery, our government is proud to make targeted investments in growing sectors and businesses here ...

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Ontario Opposes New U.S. Tariffs on Aluminum Imports


T Premier Doug Ford and Vic Fedeli, Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade, issued the following statement on the U.S.-imposed tariffs on Canadian aluminum imports: “We are disappointed that the U.S. has re-imposed tariffs on imports of aluminum products from Canada, particularly at a time when our trade partnership will be essential to our economic recovery. These tariffs ...

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L’Ontario s’oppose aux nouveaux tarifs américains sur les importations d’aluminium


Le premier ministre Doug Ford et le ministre du Développement économique, de la Création d’emplois et du Commerce, Vic Fedeli, ont fait aujourd’hui la déclaration suivante concernant la décision des États-Unis d’imposer de nouveaux tarifs sur les importations d’aluminium canadien : « Nous sommes déçus que les États-Unis aient décidé d’imposer de nouveaux tarifs sur les importations de produits d’aluminium en provenance ...

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Two Sudbury Companies get help to develop in the Health Sector


The Ontario government is providing more than $1 million to help two companies in Sudbury develop new treatments, devices and technologies to support the health sciences sector. The funding will be delivered through the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC) and create eight new jobs. “Supporting the health sciences sector across Northern Ontario is an important part of our government’s ...

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Ontario Government offers special promotions for Frontline Workers at Ontario Agencies/Attractions


The Ontario government is investing $1.5 million through the new Tourism Economic Development Recovery Fund and offering promotional incentives at provincial attractions to help the province’s tourism industry and welcome back visitors after the COVID-19 pandemic. Lisa MacLeod, Minister of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries, made the announcement during a fireside chat with tourism stakeholders at the Metro Toronto ...

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OPP To Close EMO Detachment

The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) will be closing one of its detachments in the Rainy River District. The OPP detachment in Emo is officially closing on August 5, 2020. This will not impact the level of service provided to Emo or the surrounding townships. If anyone has to self-report an incident, members of the public can attend the Rainy River ...

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Ontario Supporting Non-Profits as Province Recovers from COVID-19


The Ontario government is investing $83 million through the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) to provide grants to help eligible non-profit organizations, including food banks, child and youth programs and Royal Canadian Legion branches, recover from COVID-19 and continue the delivery of vital programming in their communities. The announcement was made today by Premier Doug Ford and Lisa MacLeod, Minister of ...

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Le gouvernement apporte son soutien aux organismes sans but lucratif au fur et à mesure que la province se remet des effets de la COVID-19


Le gouvernement investit 83 millions de dollars par l’intermédiaire de la Fondation Trillium de l’Ontario (FTO) en vue d’octroyer aux organismes sans but lucratif admissibles, notamment les banques alimentaires, les programmes pour les enfants et les jeunes et les filiales de la Légion royale canadienne, des subventions qui les aideront à se remettre des effets de la COVID-19 et à poursuivre ...

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Ontario Provides More Supports for Families of Children on the Autism Spectrum

Ontario is providing families in the Ontario Autism Program (OAP) with services to support their child’s ongoing learning and development. Foundational family services such as family and peer mentoring, caregiver workshops and coaching will be tailored to the unique regional and cultural needs in different communities. These services will build on existing virtual and remote options introduced during the COVID-19 ...

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Nipissing West OPP – Sudden Death being investigated

On August 1, 2020 at 5:30 p.m., with the assistance of a member of the public in a private boat, officers from the Nipissing West (Noëlville) Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) and Sudbury Emergency Medical Services (EMS) responded to a personal injury incident at Devil’s Bay on Eighteen Mile Island on the North Channel of the lower French ...

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Le gouvernement de l’Ontario encourage tous les résidents et résidentes à relever le Défi 30×30 de Parcs Ontario

Le ministre de l’Environnement, de la Protection de la nature et des Parcs, Jeff Yurek, a publié la déclaration suivante à l’intention de tous les Ontariens et Ontariennes : « Depuis des mois, les particuliers et les familles font leur part pour freiner la propagation de la COVID-19 en restant chez eux, et je voudrais souligner leur effort. Grâce aux progrès ...

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Ontario Encourages All Residents to Take the Ontario Parks 30×30 Challenge

The Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, Jeff Yurek, issued the following statement for all Ontarians: “For months individuals and families have been doing their part to stop the spread of COVID-19 by staying inside, and I applaud everyone for their effort. With the progress we have made together, and as we move into Stage 3 of reopening the ...

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Road tests for class G2 and motorcycle driver’s licences will resume August 4


People will be able to access more drive testing services as the Ontario government moves DriveTest centres into the second phase of its reopening plan. Beginning on Tuesday, August 4, 2020 road testing for class G2 and all motorcycle licences will resume and the number of locations offering commercial driver road tests will expand. “As we continue to reopen our ...

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L’Ontario annonce de nouvelles initiatives sur les recommandations de l’Enquête publique sur les foyers de soins de longue durée


Aujourd’hui, l’Ontario a publié deux rapports et annoncé de nouvelles initiatives qui donnent suite aux recommandations formulées par l’honorable Eileen E. Gillese, commissaire de l’Enquête publique sur les foyers de soins de longue durée, qui rendront les soins de longue durée plus sûrs et plus solides, aujourd’hui et à l’avenir. Le Rapport de l’Enquête Gillese fait le point sur les ...

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