You are taking a late-night stroll or sitting on your deck staring at the starry sky and whoosh, a quick streak of light catches your attention. You have just witnessed the fiery re-entry of space debris called a meteor. In a few cases, they can be nuts, bolts and wires from damaged satellites orbiting high above the earth. However, ...
Read More »The Backyard Astronomer
Big Bright Jupiter
On any clear night, look to the southern portion of the sky after sunset and you will come across a bright object. This is not a star but the planet Jupiter. Of the eight major planets in our solar system, Jupiter is literally the “king”. This fifth planet from the sun is so large; eleven earths can line up across ...
Read More »Telescopes and Binoculars
Telescopes have come a long way since its invention in 1608. The simple refracting telescope consisted of two small lenses located at each end of a long tube. This `spyglass` was a great tool to magnify approaching enemy ships from a distance. Galileo Galilei heard of this new instrument and in 1609 constructed his own without seeing the original. ...
Read More »Our Moon
Stargazing is a wonderful and peaceful past time that anyone can enjoy. From planets to star clusters, galaxies to nebulae, the night sky is a treasure chest of celestial delights. Although astronomy and star gazing are traditionally done in the dark countryside, our glorious moon can be enjoyed from the city as well. The moon was created about 50,000 ...
Read More »The Sun – Our Life Giving Star
My passion for the night sky began at the tender age of 8 with an elementary school library book entitled “Stars”. I learned from that fateful day that the Sun is a typical star in the night sky and one of 200 billion stars of our Milky Way Galaxy. But not all stars are the same. They come in an ...
Read More »Plan for Magical Total Lunar Eclipse – January 20th
A total lunar eclipse is a magical event to witness and our next chance comes on the night of January 20/21 with all of North America having a ring side seat for the entire show. An eclipse is a result of the perfect lineup of the sun, earth and moon. This does not occur every month as our moon ...
Read More »Close Approach of Mars
Jun 22, 2018 @ 11:04 Hands down the biggest celestial event of the year will take place on the night of July 27 – the closest approach of Mars since 2003. The red planet is now seen rising in the south-east at midnight local time and will continue rising a bit earlier each night until the big night when ...
Read More »The annual Geminid meteor shower
Dec 5, 2017 @ 08:08 Another great celestial event is poised to light up the night sky. The annual Geminid meteor shower will peak on the night of December 13 into the morning of the 14th. As Earth crosses the debris field of asteroid 3200 Phaethon we will enjoy a predicted rate of 120 meteors seen per hour or one ...
Read More »Star Gazing – Northern Lights
May 28, 2017 @ 13:36 On the night of May 27, sky watchers across Canada and as far south as Pennsylvania were treated to a beautiful light show – the aurora borealis. Primarily seen as a greenish glow low in the north, the Aurora at times creates long spikes or columns of green, red, blue and violet that brighten ...
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