
MHS Viking News – Exams and Outdoors Class

  MHS students are in the thick of things this week, writing exams and finishing off their culminating activities for first semester courses.  For our senior students, this set of marks will be what post-secondary schools will look at as part of determining acceptance into their programs. While students are studying or working on course projects in the library, Mrs. ...

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Viking Voices – Back to School

Jan 23, 2017 @ 07:55 Staff and students at Michipicoten High School are back in the swing of things in 2017. The Winter Break started off with a talent show and luncheon for students and parents. We have many talented students in our school, including pianists, diablo masters, comedic grade 9s and our very own version of ‘JibJab’ featuring the ...

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Miroir, Miroir sur le mur

Dec 9, 2016 at 09:03   Depuis le début de l’année scolaire, les élèves de l’école Sacré-Cœur (Chapleau) prennent part dans différentes activités de construction identitaire afin de développer chez eux un sens d’appartenance et d’expression de soi. Les élèves de la 4e, 5e et 6e année ont découvert l’importance de refléter le meilleur d’eux-mêmes pour ensuite créer un mur ...

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Northern College & Richmont Celebrate Common Core Graduation in Dubreuilville

  Nearly a week ago, on Friday, July 24th, students with their families, and dignitaries celebrated the graduation of 6 students from the Common Core Course being held in partnership with Northern College and Richmont – Island Gold Mine in Dubreuilville. The festivities began with an introduction by Norm Bolduc, Northern College, to the graduates and dignitaries, followed by a delightful ...

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