
Viking Voices – May 3

May 3, 2017 @ 08:30 Last Thursday afternoon, students of MHS were in the audience for the Rosenath Theatre production of Meet Cute. The actors presented a scenario in which one of the two people expressed liking the other person. Roles were reversed, and then a third scenario was presented in which both showed a liking for each other. The ...

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Algoma District School Board students love new water bottle refilling stations

May 1, 2017 @ 11:45 There are a number of great supports for schools to access when messaging the importance of healthy living to students of all ages and at Tuesday night’s Committee of the Whole Meeting, Superintendent of Education Marcy Bell shared partnerships which have led to the implementation of water bottle refilling stations at over thirty Algoma District ...

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Catholic Education Week 2017 – ‘Walking Forward Together’

The Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board (HSCDSB) is ready to celebrate Catholic Education Week 2017 which runs from Sunday, April 30 to Friday May 5. The theme for the week, which was also the school-year focus, is ‘Walking Forward Together’.   Activities will occur at HSCDSB schools in Blind River, Chapleau, Elliot Lake, Espanola, Hornepayne, Massey, Sault Ste. Marie, Wawa ...

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Viking News – April 25

Apr 25, 2017 @ 10:59 The halls of MHS have been busy the past few weeks! Congratulations to all of our badminton players who took part in the NWOSSAA playdowns last week. They had great results with the girls’ doubles playing off in a three-way tie for first. They came out the winners and are off to Chatham in May ...

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End of Season Bowling Results

Apr 24, 2017 @ 16:50   Tuesday Mixed Regular Season winners –  The Bowlievers: Chantal Magi, Jessica Webb, DJ WebPete Magi, Joe Grasley, and Nick Veldt.   Men’s Regular Season winners: Wawa Shenanigans: Jarret Ralph, Armando Trovarello, Preston Plante, Chris Casavant, Colton Ward, and Breton MacDonnell.   Men’s Playoff Champions – Paul’s Custom Glass: Paul Gennaro, Jake Casavant, Urbano Trovarello, Brian Choquette Barry ...

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De jeunes maîtres d’échecs se réuniront à Wawa pour le Tournoi d’échecs Franco-Nord-Ouest

  Apr 20, 2017 @ 09:30 Le jeudi 27 avril, quelque 130 jeunes maîtres d’échecs se réuniront à Wawa afin de participer au quatrième Tournoi d’échecs Franco-Nord-Ouest. Présentée par l’école Saint-Joseph de Wawa, cette compétition réunira des élèves francophones provenant des écoles catholiques et publiques suivantes : Saint-Joseph et l’Escalade (Wawa), St-Joseph et É.s. l’Orée des bois (Dubreuilville), Sacré-Cœur (Chapleau) et ...

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Young chess masters gather in Wawa to compete in the Franco-Nord-Ouest Chess Tournament

Apr 20, 2017 @ 09:24 Some 130 young chess masters will meet in Wawa on Thursday, April 27, for the fourth Franco-Nord-Ouest Chess Tournament. The competition, hosted by Wawa’s École Saint-Joseph, will attract francophone students from the following Northwestern Ontario French Catholic and Public schools: École Saint-Joseph and École l’Escalade (Wawa), École St-Joseph and É.s. l’Orée des Bois (Dubreuilville), École ...

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Letter – Hardeman states that ‘Liberals Blocked Rent Control Bill’

Apr 12, 2017 @ 12:00 Dear Brenda, As PC Critic for Municipal Affairs and Housing, I hear from people all over Ontario who are concerned about the unaffordability of living in Ontario. Over the past few weeks I have been hearing from more and more people who, like the 31 seniors in Sault Ste. Marie, are facing huge rent increases. ...

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Viking Voices – NWOSSA Tournament & Viking Wear

Last week, MHS helped to host the NWOSSAA badminton tournament. Between Ecole St. Joseph and MHS, there were over ninety students playing badminton in our gyms. Congratulations to our senior team and our junior girl’s single team who all advance this week to the NSSSAA finals in Chapleau. The NWOSSA tournament will be held at MHS on April 19th. The ...

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L’école Sacré-Cœur (Chapleau) brille en bleu

Apr 11, 2017 @ 07:20   Les élèves et le personnel de l’école Sacré-Cœur (Chapleau) ont porté du bleu et ont contribué la somme de 2$ lors de la levée du drapeau de la journée mondiale de sensibilisation à l’autisme qui été soulignée le lundi 3 avril 2017. Le but du rassemblement était de souligner la Journée mondiale de sensibilisation ...

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Les filles de l’école Saint-Joseph sont initiées aux différents métiers de la construction

Apr 10, 2017 @ 14:05   Les 22 et 23 mars, des filles de la 9e année de l’école secondaire Saint-Joseph (Wawa) ont participé avecleur enseignante, Mme Lynne Burnham aux Ateliers Home Depot à Sault-Ste-Marie. Cette activité avaient pour but d’introduire les femmes aux métiers.   Lors de leur participation à cette activité, les filles ont été initiées à certains métiers du domaine ...

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Quand l’union fait la force! Le bronze pour les Loups des écoles St-Joseph (Wawa et Dubreuilville)

Apr 6, 2017 @ 08:15     Les membres de l’équipe de hockey combinée représentant les écoles Saint-Joseph de Dubreuilville et de Wawa se sont déplacés à Sudbury le 20 mars dernier afin de participer au Tournoi des Étoiles de hockey, une compétition amicale offerte aux écoles francophones nord-ontariennes. Les Loups étaient prêts pour une semaine sportive très mouvementée et ...

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Viking Voices – Pancakes!

Mar 28, 2017 @ 11:08 Students returned last week after a break from classes and are right back into the swing of things! The LEAD class served up a great pancake lunch with a side of fruit and bacon. This week’s menu is chicken tacos for the cost of $4.00. Last Friday, a group of students travelled to Searchmont for ...

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