Les lecteurs de la chronique de la semaine dernière portant sur l’utilisation de mes compétences en matière de « baromètre politique » se rappelleront peut-être que j’ai fait allusion à une sorte de vexation générale que les Ontariens, et la plupart des Canadiens, éprouvent pour l’esprit de jeu et les querelles apparemment sans fin émanant de leurs élus. En vérité, ...
Read More »Editorials & Letters
3,000+ Canadians urge American tissue giant, Procter & Gamble, to be more responsible with their use of Ontario’s forests
A letter signed by more than 3,000 Canadians was submitted to Procter & Gamble in advance of its annual shareholder meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio. Sent by Ontario Nature and the David Suzuki Foundation, the letter calls on the company to start acting in alignment with its stated commitments to sustainable operations and forest conservation, by only sourcing pulp from forests where ...
Read More »Le fléau des déchets de plastique
Nous sommes entourés de plastique. Des pailles que nous utilisons pour boire jusque dans les fibres que nous employons pour donner de l’élasticité à nos vêtements, le plastique est si omniprésent qu’il est devenu un énorme problème pour l’environnement. Il se retrouve dans les sites d’enfouissement, dans les océans, et même dans notre chaîne alimentaire. Le temps qu’il met à ...
Read More »The scourge of plastic waste
Plastic is everywhere in our lives. From the straws in our drinks to the fibres that make our clothes stretch, plastic has permeated so many products that it has become a huge environmental problem. It’s in our landfill, the oceans, and has even entered our food chain. Adding to the problem is the fact that plastic takes so long to ...
Read More »Letter – Take Back the Night
Friday, October 2, 2020 Dear Editor, Each fall, in communities across Canada, Take Back the Night events are observed. The first Take Back the Night event was held in San Francisco, when local citizens met to protest the spread of pornography in their community. Since that first event, the evening has grown to international proportions. Locally, this event holds significance ...
Read More »Dans la lutte contre le racisme, rien ne sert de se comparer
Quiconque a suivi le débat présidentiel américain reconnaîtra l’importance du moment où Donald Trump a refusé de condamner la suprématie blanche et ses tenants. Soulevant encore davantage l’incrédulité, le président s’est adressé directement aux Proud Boys, un groupe d’extrême droite, et leur a demandé « de reculer et de se tenir prêts ». Ce moment charnière marquera la politique nord-américaine. ...
Read More »Comparisons won’t change much when it comes to combatting racism
Anyone who watched the American Presidential debate will recognize the importance of the moment that Donald Trump refused to condemn white supremacism and white supremacists. To make it even more incredulous, the President then spoke directly to the far-right group, Proud Boys, telling them to, “stand back and stand by”. It was a truly transcendent moment in North American politics. ...
Read More »Rising auto insurance rates the result of provincial finances, says former Brampton MP
What is the real reason behind rising auto insurance rates in Peel and the rest of the province? According to a former Brampton MP, the answer has to with the province, not insurance companies. Former Brampton West MPP Vic Dhillon disclosed the surprising truth earlier this week during a wide-ranging interview regarding insurance coverage, benefits and more. Ontario has some of ...
Read More »Second-wave strategy must include plan to keep surgeries going
During question period Tuesday, NDP Health critic France Gélinas demanded that the Ford government develop a strategy to clear the backlog of delayed surgeries and diagnostic procedures, and avoid shutting down completely during the second wave of COVID-19 infections. NDP Leader Andrea Horwath has long been calling for a robust and thorough second wave strategy, proposing solutions like capping class ...
Read More »letter to Hon. Caroline Mulroney about DriveTest Centres
Our MPP Michael Mantha continues to press the Hon. Caroline Mulroney, Minister of Transportation about the lack of access that Northern Ontarians have to DriveTest Centres within our region. Wawa has a DriveTest location at the Michipicoten Memorial Community Centre but the website says, “Temporarily Closed Until Further Notice”. Below is a copy of an open letter sent to Hon. ...
Read More »It’s not too late: Mantha says capping class sizes is crucial for a healthy, successful school year
Michael Mantha, NDP MPP for Algoma-Manitoulin says the ticking of the back-to-school clock is getting louder as the reopening of Ontario schools gets closer. “Judging by the number of calls, letters and emails that my office is receiving, this is clearly a major stressor for families, teachers, support staff and school bus drivers”, said Mantha. “More and more people every ...
Read More »NDP call for Service Ontario cuts to be reversed critical for people with disabilities
The NDP critic for Accessibility and Persons with Disabilities, Joel Harden, said that the NDP’s call for Doug Ford to end the long lines at Service Ontario outlets by reversing his $4.9-million cut and mandating expanded hours, is critical for Ontarians with disabilities. Harden said many people living with disabilities have been forced to wait in long, crowded lines at Service ...
Read More »Ford failing to fund First Nations back-to-school plans
NDP critic for Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation, Sol Mamakwa, released the following statement calling on Doug Ford to provide needed funding for First Nations schools. On Wednesday, the federal government announced funding amounting to just a fraction of what’s needed to get kids back in school safely, and prevent outbreaks of COVID-19 in First Nations schools: “There is ...
Read More »Ford still chooses crowded classrooms, Horwath urges provincial funding to cap
Official Opposition NDP Leader Andrea Horwath released the following statement in response to the announcement of federal funding for the return to school, and Doug Ford’s choice not to use those funds to shrink class sizes: “It’s gut-wrenching for families and educators that Doug Ford continues to choose crowded classrooms instead of smaller, safer classes. After today’s federal education funding ...
Read More »NDP urges Ford to extend ban on commercial evictions, expand support for small business
The NDP and its critic for Economic Growth and Job Creation, Catherine Fife MPP (Waterloo), are calling for Doug Ford to remove the looming threat of commercial evictions facing small businesses across Ontario. “Main Street has been devastated by the pandemic, and the Ford government has done little to help when they needed it most. We’ve already seen too ...
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