During Question Period MPP Michael Mantha (Algoma-Manitoulin) called on the Minister of Energy to act on the high cost of hydro in Northern Ontario. After the Conservative caucus spent last week debating a powerless motion on the carbon tax, Mantha called on the minister to act on issues within his jurisdiction. “High energy costs are a burden on individuals and ...
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Le gouvernement Ford a quelques troupes politiques à réparer pour les habitants du Nord
Ici, dans le Nord, nous faisons tous face à une réalité fondamentale : la distance et les déplacements sont importants dans nos vies. Les déplacements sur la route sont presque une nécessité absolue pour pratiquement tous les résidents du nord à un moment ou à un autre de notre vie, que ce soit pour l’emploi, l’école, le magasinage et même les ...
Read More »The Ford government has some political potholes to fix for Northern Ontarians
Here in the North, we all face one fundamental reality – distance and travel are important in our lives. Highway travel is almost an absolute necessity for practically all Northerners at some point in our lifetime, be it for employment, school, shopping and even healthcare. Because it is an integral part of our lives, Northern Ontarians understand the importance of ...
Read More »Michael Mantha’s Remembrance Day Message
November 11, 2023 Bon Jour, Mino giizhigad, (Meeno Gigii zjeck) Good Morning. I’m happy that you are here today on this Day of Remembrance. On this day each year, Canadians gather to show gratitude, respect and honour for the many thousands of men and women who selflessly made terrible sacrifices to protect not only the freedom of Canadians but, in ...
Read More »Sous Ford, les dollars des soins de santé seront centralisés dans les poches profondes des entreprises à but lucratif
La citation « au milieu de chaque crise se trouve une opportunité » est souvent attribuée à Albert Einstein. Il y a eu des moments où j’ai fait face à des périodes difficiles et j’ai pensé à cela pour garder ma pensée constructive et concentrée sur le bon côté. C’est bien d’être un optimiste en politique, je pense. À mon avis, les ...
Read More »Under Ford, healthcare dollars will be funnelled into the deep pockets of for-profit businesses
The quote “In the midst of every crisis lies an opportunity” is often attributed to Albert Einstein. There have been times when I’ve faced down difficult times, and I thought of this to keep my thinking constructive and focused on finding the silver lining to take away. It’s good to be an optimist in politics, I think. The way I ...
Read More »MPP Michael Mantha calls on Ontario’s Health Minister to fix the Northern Health Travel Grant
During question period today, MPP Michael Mantha (Algoma-Manitoulin) called on the Minister of Health, Sylvia Jones, to pass his bill to fix the Northern Health Travel Grant (NHTG). “Northerners rely on the NHTG to make sure that no one is denied the care they need because of the costs.” said Mantha. “However, my office is constantly hearing from constituents ...
Read More »J’entends trop souvenant les électeurs dire qu’ils auraient préféré de continuer à vivre dans leur propre maison, mais qu’ils ne trouvent pas le soutien supplémentaire dont ils ont besoin
Pour ceux qui ont eu la chance de visiter l’Assemblée législative, vous aurez sans doute vu l’éventail d’expositions d’art et d’expositions d’information qui décorent ses salles. Je recommande à tous ceux qui se retrouvent avec un après-midi libre à Toronto de les visiter. Je passe régulièrement du temps à observer les nouveaux présentoirs, après que mes tâches dans l’Assemblée sont ...
Read More »Northern Ontario seniors need a government that understands and considers their unique needs
For those who have been lucky enough to visit the Legislature, you will no doubt have seen the vast array of art displays and informational exhibits that decorate its halls. I highly recommend a visit to anyone who finds themselves with an afternoon to spare while visiting Toronto. I regularly spend time walking around, taking in any new displays after ...
Read More »Wildfire fighter retention issue is putting one of Northern Ontario’s greatest assets at risk
Each year around Thanksgiving, Northerners bite the bullet and grudgingly go about closing down camp for the winter so it is all set to go as soon as in spiring arrives. When spring rolls around, we want to be able to jump into our boats or onto our quads, ready to rock. It is so disappointing if we fail to ...
Read More »Le problème de rétention des chasseurs de feux de forêt met en danger l’un des plus grands atouts du Nord de l’Ontario
Chaque année autour de l’Action de grâce, les gens commencent la fermeture du camp pour l’hiver afin qu’il soit prêt pour le printemps. Lorsque le printemps arrive, nous voulons pouvoir sauter dans nos bateaux ou sur nos quatre roux, prêts à basculer. C’est tellement décevant si nous ne l’avons pas fait avant le printemps et devons maintenant attendre. Comme le ...
Read More »MPP Michael Mantha calls on government to compensate forestry sector
During question period Algoma-Manitoulin MPP, Michael Mantha, called on the Conservative government to ensure operators in the forestry sector are made whole for fiber cut before the Espanola Domtar Mill idles its operations. “Stopping operations at the mill will be disruptive enough as it is without adding the extra burden of watching harvested fiber rot at roadside and worrying ...
Read More »Le théâtre des soins de santé de Ford
J’ose dire que de nombreux Ontariens sont bouleversés et déçus par les nombreux scandales émanant du gouvernement Ford ces derniers temps. Présentement, nous observons les sagas de l’ensemble résidentiel et la ceinture de verdure. Nous venons d’être témoins de la virevolte du premier ministre sur la restitution des terres de la Ceinture de verdure, la démission récente de deux ministres ...
Read More »Doug Ford’s healthcare theatrics
I venture to say that many Ontarians are upset and disappointed at the numerous debacles and scandals emanating from the Ford government lately. Right now, we are watching the simultaneous, dramatic housing development and Greenbelt sagas unfold. We have just seen the Premier’s eventual flip-flop on returning lands to the Greenbelt and the recent resignation of two prominent cabinet ministers ...
Read More »Northern Ontario’s most resilient economic stabilizer – small business
The other day, I stopped by to help a friend construct some trusses for a garden shed he was building. He asked for a hand because he knew it was getting late to have the shed in place before winter set in. He had some of the pieces cut and ready to assemble. I had expected him to use spikes ...
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