Last Sunday we shared our service with Marathon United Church. The Sunday message was on accepting people as they are, they will change when they are ready. Marathon experienced this first hand. They had a fellow show up at church one Sunday in the winter and asked if there was a place for him to put his tent.
They were surprised that he should want to stay in a tent in winter, – 30 degrees at times. So, they got together and found an apartment, they furnished it with a few pieces of furniture that people could share. He had meals at various homes and food from the food bank. He came to the church potlucks on Fridays and attended church on Sundays and all the while still asking, where he could pitch his tent.
The winter went on and in the Spring he had asked fewer times about pitching his tent. Finally, the snow was gone, the ground was dry and he put his tent up. That lasted a few weeks and then he packed up and was down the highway heading east.
As the summer passed the congregation asked what they had done wrong? Then, they realized that you don’t fix people to be like you, you accept them and they will make the change. The fellow returned in the late fall, pitched his tent, went to the Friday potluck, church on Sunday and visited all the people he had met. When he was finished visiting he packed up his tent and headed out west.
They never saw him again and often wondered how he was doing. He was a wanderer, a good person, but did not want to be in a house/ apartment or settled in a community. He was a child of God.
May 5 – Sixth Sunday of Easter
Scripture Readings.
- Acts 10:44-48 The gift of the Holy Spirit comes as Peter preaches
- 1 John 5: 1-6 The love of God is to obey God’s commandments
- John 15:9-17 Love one another as I have loved you
These scriptures are filled with the idea of love that is safe and welcoming. True love, good love, should always make you feel good inside. That’s God’s love. That’s the love we have for each other as followers of Jesus. Sunday is Red Dress Day, a National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two-Spirit People. The red dress reminds us to think about the families who are waiting for children and siblings to come home. “We don’t know where many of them have gone and we miss them.” We all feel much better when they are able to come home to their families. Jesus tell us that we should love one another, and so when others are sad, we should do what we can to comfort and care for them. Let us pray this week, that those who are missing will be found and come home to loving families and friends.
May 5, Worship leader: Lorna Chiupka, Worship Reader: Gail Smith
Prayer Shawl Group will meet on Saturday, May 11 at 3 – 4:30 pm. In the Family Room. All knitters and crocheters are welcome. Needles and wood can be provided if needed.
United Church Women will meet on Monday, May 6 at 7: pm in the Family Room. You are welcome to join them. Justin Glover will be the guest speaker. She will be informing the group about the Community Garden.
The Thrift Shop is over and a huge success. Thank you to everyone who helped prepare for the sale and thank you to all the shoppers who came and made purchases.
May is Asian Heritage Month and Canadian Jewish Heritage Month
- Happenings at Wawa First United Church – March 5 - March 5, 2025
- Happenings at First United Church– February 19 - February 19, 2025
- Happenings at First United Church– February 11 - February 12, 2025