Happenings at Wawa First United – Third Sunday of Easter

In the post-resurrection accounts by Luke and John ( Luke 24: 36b- 48, John 20:24-28), Jesus invites disciples to touch him. In Luke, Jesus asks the disciples to examine his wounded hands and feet and then invites them to touch and see. In the Gospel of John, Jesus instructs Thomas to touch his wounded hands and side because Thomas had stated that he would not believe until he could do so.

Just as Jesus instructed Thomas and the other disciples to touch his wounds. Jesus still asks contemporary followers to touch the wounds of the world. It is important to examine our motivation to touch those wounds. Are we seeking proof of the wounds or are we touching the pain to be a healing balm? Where are the visible wounds in our neighbourhood, community and global village?

When the church touches the wounds of the world, we become the body of Christ by offering compassion in expected and unexpected ways. Can you find ways to show others Christ’s compassion?


Scripture Readings: April 21

  • Acts 3:12-19  Peter preaches in Solomon’s Portico
  • 1 John 3:1-7   We are children of God
  • Luke 24:36b-48   Jesus invited the disciples to touch his hands and feet.


Based on 1 John 3:2 Every person is loved by God. We are all children of God. Even though we don’t know what the future holds, God is with us throughout our lives.



Next Sunday: Worship leader – Maria Reid, Sunday Reader – Gail Smith

Prayer Shawl Meeting will be held Saturday, April 20, 3-430 pm in the Family Room at First United. All knitters and crocheters are welcome. Needles and wool can be supplied if needed.

Thrift Shop: No more donations after April 18. The Thrift Shop will be open on April 25- 30

United Church Women will meet on May 6, at 7 pm in the Family Room at First United. The Guest speaker will be Justine Glover, she will inform the group about the Community Garden and its function in the community.

April 22 – Earth Day

April 23 – World Book and Copyright Day

April 24 – Armenian Genocide Memorial Day

April 29 – International Dance Day

April 30 – International Jazz Day

United Church