LSPP – Lake Superior – Owl ‘Bout that & Anishinaabe Medicine Wheel Teachings

Events for July 27th, 2023

Drop-in: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Visitor Centre, Agawa Bay
MEET THE NATURALIST: OWL ‘BOUT THAT – What makes owls the best nocturnal hunters? Join naturalist Stuart to discover their many adaptations, and what “owl” that fuss is about.
Drop-in: 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Visitor Centre, Agawa Bay
MEET THE NATURALIST: ANISHINAABE MEDICINE WHEEL TEACHINGS – The Medicine Wheel is a vital symbol containing many teachings and cycles that the Ojibway Anishinaabeg live by. From the four sacred medicines, seasons, and directions, join Zane to learn about the many teachings found within this powerful symbol.
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