Métis Nation of Ontario Youth Council partners with The Gordon Foundation to host a youth Self-Government Simulation

This past weekend, the Métis Nation of Ontario Youth Council (MNOYC) partnered with The Gordon Foundation to host a Métis Self-Government Simulation for Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) youth.
From Friday, January 20 to Sunday, January 22, youth gathered at Toronto’s Sheraton Gateway Hotel to develop foundational skills and key learnings on the many facets of Métis self-government. Participants networked with other emerging leaders and learned from advisors about the MNO’s self-government efforts and practical skills related to MNO assemblies.
Advisors included Métis National Council (MNC) President Cassidy Caron, MNO Region 4 Councillor Mitch Case, MNO Senator Steven Callaghan, Senior Indigenous Relations Advisor Paul Robitaille, Provisional Council of the Métis Nation of Ontario (PCMNO) Chair Hank Rowlinson and MNO Director Self-Government Brian Black.
“As the Government representing Métis in Ontario, we place great importance on engaging with our youth,” said Chair Hank Rowlinson. “This ensures they have the tools to move forward confidently and guide generations to come.”
After a series of learning exercises, participants wrote their own resolutions and brought them forward in a mock-assembly. Youth were given the floor to share their key learnings and express their priorities for the MNO moving forward.
“Self-governance means to have the ability to govern ourselves as Métis people. It gives us the power to create our own laws — rules strictly directed towards Metis people,” said Region 7 MNOYC member Dalton Latondress. “Self-governance means to have the freedom to express ourselves as Métis people and to have control over what we want to see for Métis people in Canada and how we want to be identified.”
“It was incredible to see our talented young people in action this weekend,” said MNOYC President and PCMNO Youth Representative, Jordyn Playne. “Connecting MNO leadership with the next generation is imperative in providing support for Métis people, both present and future.”
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