NPI Launches Regional Survey on Attitudes Towards Newcomers

Is your community welcoming? Northern Policy Institute has launched the first of six annual surveys to track changes in attitudes towards newcomers, visible minorities, and Indigenous Peoples in all regions of Northern Ontario.


The 2021 survey focuses on welcoming attitudes towards newcomers. In 2022 the survey will focus on reconciliation and welcoming attitudes towards Indigenous Peoples. The two surveys will alternate each year until 2026.


NPI has partnered with Environics Research who will be doing randomized telephone surveying in the ‘Big Five’ Northern Ontario communities – who have all been selected to take part in the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot (North Bay, Sudbury, Sault Ste. Marie, Timmins, and Thunder Bay).


At the same time, NPI will also be releasing the survey online. Making the survey available to a broader audience in the “Big Five” communities and to those living in rural and remote communities as well.


The online survey will be in available for 4 weeks from June 22 until July 16th, 2021.


If you would like to share your views on newcomers in your community, please answer the survey using one of the links below:


English Survey:

French Survey:


“Growing the population in all regions of Northern Ontario will require making the area welcoming for both newcomers and for those that already live here,” said Charles Cirtwill, President and CEO of Northern Policy Institute, “Communities across Northern Ontario have made reconciliaiton, welcoming, and population growth their number one prioriity. This survey will help us track whether their efforts are having an impact.”

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