Our reopening policy is available to read on the library website (wawa.olsn.ca). We will be allowing five people in at a time for no more than 15 minutes at a time. Anyone wishing to use the public computers must call ahead to book a time. This is to avoid having too many people in the library. The time limit on the computers will be 30 minutes. Masks must be worn, social distancing must be respected and hand sanitizer will be provided. We will ask that you read a questionnaire prior to entering the library. Only the main library entrance will be available until further notice. Our hours initially will remain Tuesday-Friday from 11:00am-4:00pm. The drop box will remain open at all times. The public washroom will be closed! All library materials will be returned in the drop box, not the circulation desk. You will be required to leave your name and contact info so that we may complete a daily Covid-19 Tracking Sheet! For those not comfortable entering public buildings, we will continue curbside pickup.
You can place a hold on library material by emailing us at [email protected] or calling us at 705-856-2244 at 290 or by accessing your account on our website (wawa.olsn.ca).
SANITIZATION OF LIBRARY MATERIALS: All library materials go through a sanitization process before they are checked out to the public. When materials are returned through the Book Drop, we are using gloves to handle material and then all materials sit in a box for a minimum of 72 hours. After 72 hours, the material is removed and checked in and wiped down with 70% alcohol solution and placed on the book cart. The material will sit on the cart for a minimum of 72 hours. After that, materials are then filed back into the collection and ready to be checked out again. This procedure is following the guidelines set by Ontario Library Services-North, Southern Ontario Library Services and the Algoma Public Health.
WAWA PUBLIC LIBRARY AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS: The Wawa Public Library is very happy to introduce Indiana-Lou Imperatori as the new After School Program Coordinator. This is Indiana’s first job and she loves to read so much that working at the library is a perfect fit for her. She is also very involved in her main passion Air Cadets. We will be resuming the After School Program via an on-line format so stay tuned for more details coming very soon.
NEW BOOKS ON THE 7 DAY SHELF this week are; “The Hidden Beach” by Karen Swan, “The Shadows” by Alex North, “Finding Freedom Harry & Meghan and the Making of a Modern Royal Family” by Omid Scobie & Carolyn Durand and “Indians On Vacation” by Thomas King.
NEW MOVIES ON THE SHELF ARE “Dolittle”, “Parasite”, “The Debt” all available in DVD and “Michael Jackson’s This Is It” available in Blu-Ray! Come on in and check it out!
ONE CARD, ONE MILLION POSSIBILITIES: We want to see where your library card has been! Northern Ontario Libraries are full of possibilities. Send in a photo of you and your library card in celebration of Ontario Public Library Week and you might spot yourself in #OPLW video. All participants will have the opportunity to win an awesome Library-themed prize pack. Submit your photo through this form by October 19th. https://forms.gle/Kcv826so5zdk52x56
BOARD MEETING: The next Wawa Public Library Board Meetings will be held on Wednesday, October 23rdth, 2020 at 5:30pm in the Council Chambers. Due to Covid 19, there will be a maximum of 8 people in the gallery and will be on a first come basis. Masks must be worn and hand sanitizer will be provided.
MAGAZINES- We have a great selection of magazines available for checkout. The newer magazines are one week lending and the older ones are three weeks lending. There is something for everyone! We have a magazine for the youth called “Brainspace”. “Brainspace” is fully interactive and tons of fun. Also new is the magazine “Good Times” which is geared to seniors. We have magazines for the cooks, the home decorators, the quilters and the fishermen. We also have some French magazines as well.
COLLECTIONS: We have a great selection of books, magazines, DVD’s, Blu-rays, Audiobooks, French books, and more available for checkout. And don’t forget our awesome Children’s collection and our growing Graphic Novel collection.
CNIB: For the visually impaired, we have a Daisy Reader available for check out as well as books and magazines available on discs and a great selection of Audio Books and Playaways.
SERVICES: The Wawa Public Library also has many other services available such as photocopying, faxing, laminating, printing, and conversion of VHS to DVD. For more information call the circulation desk at 705-856-2244 ext 290 or email us at [email protected].
DONATIONS: The Wawa Public Library welcomes the donation of gently used DVDs and books. What we don’t catalogue we put in our book sales. Thank you in advance for supporting the library!
LIBRARY MEMBERSHIP: Remember – library membership is FREE to residents of the Municipality of Wawa and contracting communities. All you need to provide is proof of residency. That would include any document or piece of identification that states both your name and street address.
BOOK DROP: Our drop box is in place for all returns. In order to clean and sanitize library material we ask that you do not bring returns to the circulation desk but leave them in the drop box on your way into the library. Please do not deposit batteries or ink cartridges in the drop box as they may damage our books.
LIBRARY HOURS – Sunday & Monday-closed. The library is open to the public on Tuesday-Friday from 11:00am until 4:00 pm.
- Between the Covers – March 3rd - March 5, 2025
- Between the Covers – February 19th - February 19, 2025
- Between the Covers – November 25 - November 25, 2024