Happenings at First United Church Wawa – June 17

Third Sunday after Pentecost.

Although we cannot meet for Worship together you may like to read the Scriptures for June 21, 2020.

Genesis 21: 8-21 Hagar & Ishmael sent away
Psalm 86 Turn your ear to me, O God
Romans 6: 1-11 Dead to sin; alive in Christ
Matthew 10: 24-39 Discipleship: lose your life to find it

To Ponder:
Where in our discipleship are we held back by fear ?
Where could we help ourselves to move forward by naming our fear and bringing it to God in prayer ?
Gathering Pentecost 1 2020 pg. 13 – used with permission

The U.C. W. requests that ALL items for the next Thrift Shop be saved at Home as we cannot enter the Church to sort.

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