Dramatic Play at SJD

May 10, 2018 @ 09:51


A few months ago Mrs. Bernath’s Kindergarten class at Sir James Dunn created a list of some of the possible dramatic play center themes that they would enjoy.  Once the list was completed they quickly got to work creating a Post Office.  In order to understand the roles of Post Office staff they toured our local Post Office and were sent back to school with a few posters and a stamp cancelling stamp.  It did not take long to convert the puppet theatre into a functioning Post Office in which the students wrote letters, added a stamp to the envelopes, cancelled the stamp and even used all the chairs in the classroom to create a mail van to deliver the mail to Dubreuiville and White River.


The next center on the list was a doctor’s office.  In order to learn the roles of the staff this time they watched a very informative video showing the role of the receptionist, the nurse and the doctor.  The Post Office was then converted into a Medical Center equipped with stethoscopes, medicine dispensers, gloves, masks, lab coat, sign in sheet and medical information gathering sheets.  Not only did the students and Mrs. Bernath receive medical treatment from the Doctor of the Day, almost all of the SJD staff came in at some point over the few weeks that the centre was operational to receive treatment.


This past Monday we took a little bus ride to Tim Horton’s where Mrs. Toffner toured us through the back of the counter so that we could see how to set up our own Tim Horton’s restaurant in our classroom.  She then took us to the back to show us how the donuts are made.  We even got to make and decorate our own sprinkle Timbits, then take them back to school for snack time.  When we got back to school we opened the huge box she gave us full of supplies.  The little ones quickly set up a drive-through in our classroom and the employees wore aprons and uniforms while filling coffee cups and donut boxes for everyone to enjoy.


Who knows what our next dramatic play centre will be, but I can assure you that the little ones take their roles very seriously and will make great employees someday.  SJD is the place to be!

Sir James Dunn School
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