Mar 19, 2018 @ 10:12
The Honourable Jane Philpott, Minister of Indigenous Services, has announced funding to support the participation of Supercom Industries Limited Partnership (Supercom) in the Province of Ontario’s East-West Transmission Line Project. Supercom is wholly owned by Fort William, Pays Plat, Michipicoten, Pic Mobert, Ojibways of the Pic River and Red Rock First Nations.
The construction of this transmission line from Wawa to Thunder Bay presents a number of revenue and job creation opportunities for the First Nations under the Supercom umbrella, including camp site operations, environmental monitoring and permitting, surveying, site security, and transportation for the construction of access roads.
The participation of Supercom in the construction of the transmission line project reflects one of our collective goals – more job creation and economic development opportunities for Indigenous peoples.
“I am pleased that Indigenous Services Canada can support this First Nations owned partnership that will be a part of Ontario’s East-West Transmission Line Project. Their participation, and this project as a whole, will bring many new economic and employment opportunities for the First Nations in the region.” The Honourable Jane Philpott, M.D., P.C., M.P., Minister of Indigenous Services
“We are very pleased to have the Government of Canada’s support for this project that will have impactful and long-standing economic benefits for Fort William, Pays Plat, Michipicoten, Pic Mobert, Ojibways of the Pic River and Red Rock First Nations. This venture will provide a large number of training and employment opportunities for our members that will be beneficial not only during the East-West Transmission Line project but beyond.” Ed Collins, President, Supercom Industries Limited Partnership
Supercom Industries Limited Partnership is wholly owned by Fort William, Pays Plat, Michipicoten, Pic Mobert, Ojibways of the Pic River and Red Rock First Nations. All six First Nations are located near the province of Ontario’s East-West Transmission Line project.
Indigenous Services Canada is providing $94,050 in 2017-2018 and $76,230 in 2018-2019 to hire a project manager to work with the participating First Nations, and negotiate and oversee contracts. The funding is from the Department’s Community Opportunity Readiness Program. This program addresses the financial needs of First Nation communities in their pursuit of, and participation in, economic opportunities.
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