Dec 27, 2017 @ 11:24

Photo courtesy of Roly McDonald. He explained that it actually recorded -39 during the night in the Mission.
The extreme cold that is blanketing Northern Ontario has caused numerous difficulties.
The weather station in the Mission ( recorded the coldest temperature of the year of -33.8C at 8:27 a.m. today. Unofficially, -35.5 was recorded at at residence in the Mission. Environment Canada recorded -36C at 9 a.m. today at the Wawa Municipal Airport, with light winds of 5km/h making it -42C with the windchill.
The Searchmont Ski Resort Facebook page posted this morning, “Due to Extreme Cold Weather, we are closed today (December 27th). We apologize about the inconvenience, but this cold (-35) puts risk to our employees, customers, and equipment. This is a tough call, but we feel it is necessary with these frigid temperatures. Temperatures are warming up for tomorrow!”
Probably the worst was the declaration of a state of emergency Christmas Eve for the community of Wawakapewin, an Oji-Cree First Nation reserve located 350 kilometers north of Sioux Lookout, Ontario. Two generators failed putting the water system at risk. Without the generators, the entire water system could freeze in these bitter temperatures.
Ontario Regional Chief Day reported on December 26th, that the community has been able to stay warm with a day to day supply of wood, a small generator and some able bodies to help keep the water treatment plant from freezing. That evening said that a generator was enroute. The challenge he said was the helicopter to fly in the generator.
If you happen to be travelling be sure to have an emergency kit, and the ability to stay warm safely in case of road closures, or any eventuality that may delay you.
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