Council Declares Tamara Liddle’s Seat Vacant

Nov 9, 2017 @ 12:51

At today’s Special Meeting of Council, Council approved three applications and funding for projects under the new Municipal GHG Challenge fund:

to replace the Municipality of Wawa’s aging fleet wth new fleet that produces less greenhouse gas emissions, committing funding up to $80,000 in the year 2018 towards the project costs of $160,000 in 2018;

to upgrade lighting in the Michipicoten Memorial Community Centre (MMCC) with LED lighting and fixtures that produce less greenhouse gas emissions, committing funding up to $45,000 in the year 2018 towards the project costs of $90,000 in 2018;

and to apply for funding to undertake the upgrade of the MMCC Heating System; committing funding up to $150,000 in the year 2018 towards the project costs of 1,500,000 in 2018 should the application be successful.

In response to questions, it was explained that Wawa has already seen a 50% savings in hydro costs for street lights with the installation of LED streetlights; and similar savingsĀ could be expected with changing to LED in the MMCC. The heating costs for the MMCC is approx $200,000 or 10% of the annual budget. An expected savings of 30% or $60,000 is expected annually. Possibilities to investigate would be recycling the heat from the Ice Plant to heat the remainder of the building, and using geothermal energy.

Council resolved today to declare Councillor Tamara Liddle’s seat vacant. The Ontario Municipal Act states that a Council shall declare a seat vacant under Section 259 (1) (c). Councillor Liddle has not attended a meeting since July 11th, and the three month period began with the next missed meeting of August 8th, 2017 and ended on November 8th, 2017. Councillor Liddle had not asked for a Leave of Absence.

Councillor Besner questioned if legal counsel had been consulted, and Mayor Rody confirmed that the Municipal Act was quite clear as to the requirement of councillors attendance, and Council’s duty to declare the seat vacant. A recorded vote was called for with all members of Council voting yes.


259 (1) The office of a member of council of a municipality becomes vacant if the member, (a) becomes disqualified from holding the office of a member of council under section 256, 257 or 258; (b) fails to make the declaration of office before the deadline in section 232; (c) is absent from the meetings of council for three successive months without being authorized to do so by a resolution of council; (d) resigns from his or her office and the resignation is effective under section 260; (e) is appointed or elected to fill any vacancy in any other office on the same council; (f) has his or her office declared vacant in any judicial proceeding; (g) forfeits his or her office under this or any other Act; or (h) dies, whether before or after accepting office and making the prescribed declarations. 2001, c. 25, s. 259 (1).


As a result of declaring this seat vacant, Council now has 60 days to declare how it will fill the seat. There was no discussion as to how Council would fill this seat. Council could appoint a new councillor, or hold a by-election (60 days for nominations, 45 for campaigning).

This is the third time a seat has come vacant on this Council’s term.