Jun 1, 2017 @ 09:40
On Tuesday, May 30th, representatives from the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) held a public information session in Dubreuilville regarding the closure of the branch office in Dubreuilville, and subsequent merger of the Dubreuilville Branch into the Wawa Branch.
The Royal Bank has cited declining client visits at the branch, and an increase in telephone and electronic banking as factors in the decision to close the Dubreuilville Branch. In order to assist clients in Dubreuilville with the transformation to telephone and electronic banking – staff will coach clients not only in branch, but at home if necessary.
Scott Sonder, Regional Vice President fielded questions from the floor, and translations were made from French to English and back; ensuring that everyone understood what was being said.
Despite the assurances from the Royal Bank staff that all services are still available to the residents albeit via different methods, there is still a feeling of abandonment, after a 50-year presence in the community. Some of the problems faced in continuing banking via the internet, is the lack of bandwidth in the community, literacy difficulties, and the need to have cash.
With the withdrawal of banking services, residents will have to travel to Wawa in order to conduct business in person. The most critical is the need for cash for businesses. Businesses in town need a way to make deposits and floats for daily business – not all their clients use debit/credit cards. Business owners are concerned with the risk of travelling to Wawa with large cash deposits, and returning with change. Organizers of the annual Strongman Competition, the largest community event requires that service.
RBC has stated that they are looking into a ‘cash counter’ but did advise the community at the meeting that it would be at least a year before they could install an ATM with the capability to accept cash deposits. Clients can avail themselves of electronic check deposit via computer or smartphone app; and there is a night deposit box in Wawa.
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