Wawa Minor Hockey $5000 Raffle Winner Drawn

Apr 3, 2017 @ 06:38

A very happy Keith Killins holding his $5,000 cheque Sunday.


Congratulations to Keith Killins of Wawa! Keith is the winner of Wawa Minor Hockey’s $5000.00 Raffle. The draw took place at Michipicoten Community Center on Sunday, April 2nd, 2017 at 2 p.m. The winning ticket was sold by Makai Manttari.

Wawa Minor Hockey would like to thank everyone who supported us in purchasing tickets. We appreciate all of your support!

Special thanks goes out to some very special people.

Thank-You James and Joe Huff who sat at the table Friday Night and Saturday Morning selling tickets! You both took time out of your weekend to help out!

Very Special Thanks go out to two very special young ladies; Trista Huff as most of us know is an accomplished member of Defined Dance Movements.

Laura Campbell is from North Bay but her parents grew up here in Wawa. She is Willy and Sharon Campbell’s daughter.

Both of these girls are tied to Wawa Minor Hockey through their family but neither is a member. But this sure didn’t stop them from volunteering their time to help me sell tickets. These two girls deserve a round of applause as they sat at the table with me (Debbie Banks) from Saturday afternoon until Sunday when the draw was being done. They are both amazing salespeople as anyone who came into the arena can tell you! Their favorite saying was “buy 3 tickets and you get a free hug or a high five depending on what you want”. They would not take no for an answer and because of their efforts, we had a record weekend of selling tickets! Most people couldn’t help smiling or stopping to buy a ticket from them.

Be warned both girls have said they will be there next year to sell tickets!

submitted by Debbie Bruce-Banks




Brenda Stockton
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