Tag Archives: Carol Hughes

Funding for Legion Branches beginning to flow

Royal Canadian Legion Branches struggling with the pandemic are pleased that federal assistance is starting to flow, according to Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing MP, Carol Hughes. “While the need to assist veteran’s organizations was obvious, it took a concerted effort to convince the government to act,” said Hughes. “I know my actions were fortified by the work of others in my party as ...

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The scourge of plastic waste

Plastic is everywhere in our lives. From the straws in our drinks to the fibres that make our clothes stretch, plastic has permeated so many products that it has become a huge environmental problem. It’s in our landfill, the oceans, and has even entered our food chain. Adding to the problem is the fact that plastic takes so long to ...

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Le fléau des déchets de plastique

Nous sommes entourés de plastique. Des pailles que nous utilisons pour boire jusque dans les fibres que nous employons pour donner de l’élasticité à nos vêtements, le plastique est si omniprésent qu’il est devenu un énorme problème pour l’environnement. Il se retrouve dans les sites d’enfouissement, dans les océans, et même dans notre chaîne alimentaire. Le temps qu’il met à ...

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Pandemic profiteers and ultra-wealthy must pay their share: Hughes

While most Canadians and small businesses owners in Canada have struggled to get by and are worried about their future throughout this pandemic, the wealthiest in Canada actually got richer, according to Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing MP, Carol Hughes. Hughes notes that Canada’s top twenty richest people are almost $40 billion richer than they were before the pandemic hit. Now, New Democrats are ...

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Comparisons won’t change much when it comes to combatting racism: Hughes

Anyone who watched the American Presidential debate will recognize the importance of the moment that Donald Trump refused to condemn white supremacism and white supremacists. To make it even more incredulous, the President then spoke directly to the far-right group, Proud Boys, telling them to, “stand back and stand by”. It was a truly transcendent moment in North American politics. ...

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Comparisons won’t change much when it comes to combatting racism

Anyone who watched the American Presidential debate will recognize the importance of the moment that Donald Trump refused to condemn white supremacism and white supremacists. To make it even more incredulous, the President then spoke directly to the far-right group, Proud Boys, telling them to, “stand back and stand by”. It was a truly transcendent moment in North American politics. ...

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Dans la lutte contre le racisme, rien ne sert de se comparer

Quiconque a suivi le débat présidentiel américain reconnaîtra l’importance du moment où Donald Trump a refusé de condamner la suprématie blanche et ses tenants. Soulevant encore davantage l’incrédulité, le président s’est adressé directement aux Proud Boys, un groupe d’extrême droite, et leur a demandé « de reculer et de se tenir prêts ». Ce moment charnière marquera la politique nord-américaine. ...

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Government knows what it will take to pass its throne speech: Hughes

The government delivered its throne speech this week and, as expected, it was filled with nice sound bites. While the chattering class in Ottawa speculates breathlessly about whether any opposition party will support it – spoiler, the Conservatives immediately said they wouldn’t – Canadians are left to wonder where they fit into the discussion. At the outset, it’s important to ...

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Is parliament ready to work for you?

The 43rd parliament assembled last week to elect a Speaker and debate the Throne Speech.  While I was not successful in my bid to become Speaker, there was a surprise outcome when the former Speaker was unseated by North Bay MP, Anthony Rota.  However, I was honoured to have been re-appointed as Assistant Deputy Speaker and Chair of the Committee ...

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Immediate action needed on opioid crisis

As the opioid crisis claims more and more lives every day, New Democrats are calling on the Liberal government for a federal declaration of a national public health emergency. On Monday they urged the government to commit significant new dollars and resources to combat what is inarguably a deepening, serious crisis that is affecting Northern Ontario and every region of ...

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Hughes – Linguistic diversity is strength not an expense line in a budget

This week parliament rose in recognition of the last surviving Mohawk code-talker whose unique language skills helped the allies win World War II.  As the entire chamber celebrated this individual’s remarkable accomplishment, I was struck how our linguistic diversity can be a source of pride that is celebrated in many instances, but can also be a source of contention in ...

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Hughes – Christmas comes early for corporate Canada

Last week’s economic update could have been an opportunity for the government to show it was serious about tackling some persistent issues that can’t seem to gain traction when it comes to federal spending, instead it turned into an early Christmas gift for corporate Canada.  That’s because the government came up with 14.4 billion dollars to write off capital costs.  ...

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