Le gouvernement de l’Ontario protège les services de garde agréés de la province durant la flambée de COVID-19 en veillant à ce que les parents continuent d’avoir accès aux services de garde agréés locaux ainsi qu’aux centres pour l’enfant et la famille ON y va. Le gouvernement a annoncé un plan qui, en partenariat avec les administrations fédérale et municipale, ...
Read More »Provincial
Ontario Government Supporting Parents as Economy Reopens
The Ontario Government is protecting licensed child care in Ontario during the COVID-19 outbreak by ensuring parents retain access to local licensed child care, as well as EarlyON Child and Family Centres. The government unveiled a plan that, together with federal and municipal partnership, provides supports to licensed child care providers to ensure they remain sustainable and ready to open when ...
Read More »Ontario Enables School Board Employees to Be Voluntarily Redeployed to Congregate Care Settings
The Ontario government has approved an emergency order that would enable available school board employees to be voluntarily redeployed to congregate care settings during the COVID-19 pandemic, including hospitals, long-term care homes, retirement homes, and women’s shelters. Many of these congregate care settings are in need of staff such as custodial and maintenance workers. “Our priority continues to be protecting ...
Read More »L’Ontario autorise le redéploiement volontaire du personnel des conseils scolaires dans les établissements de soins collectifs
Le gouvernement de l’Ontario a émis un nouveau décret d’urgence afin d’autoriser le redéploiement volontaire du personnel des conseils scolaires disponible dans les établissements de soins collectifs pendant la pandémie de COVID-19. Ces établissements comprennent les hôpitaux, les foyers de soins de longue durée, les maisons de retraite et les refuges pour femmes. Bon nombre d’entre eux font face à ...
Read More »Canada and Ontario Take Additional Steps to Protect Agri-Food Workers During COVID-19
The governments of Canada and Ontario are investing $2.25 million in provincially licensed meat processing plants to better protect employees and ensure the continued supply of healthy products for consumers during the COVID-19 outbreak. Through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (the Partnership), the first stream of the Agri-food Workplace Protection Program will provide funding to implement COVID-19 health and safety measures ...
Read More »Le Canada et l’Ontario adoptent des mesures supplémentaires pour protéger les travailleurs du secteur agroalimentaire durant la COVID-19
Les gouvernements du Canada et de l’Ontario investissent 2,25 millions de dollars dans les établissements de transformation des viandes titulaires d’un permis provincial afin de mieux protéger les employés et de garantir l’approvisionnement continu en produits sains pour les consommateurs durant l’éclosion de COVID-19. Dans le cadre du Partenariat canadien pour l’agriculture (le Partenariat), le premier volet du Programme de protection ...
Read More »L’Ontario dévoile son approche pour la reprise des opérations et interventions chirurgicales planifiées
Le gouvernement de l’Ontario a élaboré un cadre complet pour aider les hôpitaux à évaluer leur état de préparation et à commencer à planifier la reprise graduelle des opérations et interventions chirurgicales planifiées, tout en maintenant leur capacité de gérer les cas de COVID-19. Les délais varieront d’un hôpital à l’autre et seront assujettis à l’approbation des groupes de surveillance régionaux ...
Read More »Ontario Releases Plan to Resume Scheduled Surgeries and Procedures
The Ontario government has developed a comprehensive framework to help hospitals assess their readiness and begin planning for the gradual resumption of scheduled surgeries and procedures, while maintaining capacity to respond to COVID-19. Timelines will vary from hospital to hospital and be conditional on approval by regional oversight tables involved with planning and coordinating Ontario’s response to COVID-19. Details were ...
Read More »NDP pitches agriculture plan including lifting Risk Management cap, livestock security funding
The NDP is calling for a suite of safeguards to ensure agribusinesses and rural economies can weather the COVID-19 storm — particularly since the provincial government has left the farming industry and rural communities to fend for themselves, weakening the food supply chain. “Imagine finding out that the animals that your family worked hard to raise have lost their value. ...
Read More »Ontario Further Eases Restrictions on Retail Stores and Essential Construction During COVID-19
The Ontario government is allowing all retail stores with a street entrance to provide curbside pickup and delivery, as well as in-store payment and purchases at garden centres, nurseries, hardware stores and safety supply stores. The business owners should review the health and safety guidelines developed by the province and its health and safety association partners. Today’s announcement was made ...
Read More »L’Ontario prolonge la période d’allègement des tarifs d’électricité face à la pandémie de COVID-19
Le gouvernement de l’Ontario prolonge jusqu’au 31 mai 2020 la période d’allègement des tarifs d’électricité pour les familles, les exploitations agricoles et les petites entreprises de la province, afin de les aider à faire face aux conséquences de la pandémie de COVID-19. Les clients assujettis à la tarification selon l’heure de consommation continueront de bénéficier 24 heures sur 24 et sept jours ...
Read More »Ontario Extends Electricity Rate Relief During COVID-19
The Ontario government is extending emergency electricity rate relief to families, farms and small businesses until May 31, 2020 during the COVID-19 outbreak. Customers who pay time-of-use electricity rates will continue to be billed at the lowest price, known as the off-peak price, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This electricity rate relief, initially provided for a 45-day ...
Read More »NDP pitches agriculture plan including lifting Risk Management cap, livestock security funding
The NDP is calling for a suite of safeguards to ensure agribusinesses and rural economies can weather the COVID-19 storm — particularly since the provincial government has left the farming industry and rural communities to fend for themselves, weakening the food supply chain. “Imagine finding out that the animals that your family worked hard to raise have lost their value. ...
Read More »The Sky’s the Limit for Children’s Mental Health Week!
Algoma Family Services (AFS) in partnership with Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Nogdawindamin, Strong Minds, ARCH, and the Early ON Child and Family Centre have gone virtual to bring a number of activities and events across the District in recognition of Infant, Child, Youth, and Adult Mental Health Week from May 4th to May 10th, 2020. Children’s Mental Health Week ...
Read More »NDP statement on Education Week
Marit Stiles, Ontario NDP Education critic, released the following statement to mark Education Week: “This year, we mark Education Week at a time when students, parents, teachers and education workers are facing extraordinary circumstances. As Education Critic for the Official Opposition, I want to thank students and parents across the province for your flexibility and hard work to keep ...
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