Le 1er avril 2022, le gouvernement de l’Ontario octroiera à l’Université de l’École de médecine du Nord de l’Ontario (Université de l’EMNO) et à l’Université de Hearst le statut d’établissement autonome conférant des grades universitaires. Cette importante étape honore le rôle critique que jouent ces établissements dans l’offre d’un accès à la formation médicale et à l’éducation en langue française ...
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Confederation College to Expand Health Administration and Leadership Program
Confederation College today announced that it has received approval from the Ministry of Colleges and Universities to make its Health Administration and Leadership program available to prospective students across northwestern Ontario. This program will support Confederation College to meet the demand for health care leaders across the region. Students will develop health administration and leadership skills in ethics, policy ...
Read More »Vivre des activités hivernales lors de la Journée de la famille
Cette année, afin de souligner la Journée de la famille du 21 février, les élèves et les membres du personnel de l’École secondaire Saint-Joseph (Wawa) ont participé à diverses activités hivernales. C’est ainsi que lors d’un après-midi ensoleillé et frisquet, plusieurs adeptes du plein air ont pu s’adonner au hockey, ski de fond, raquette et glissage. On remercie vivement Mme ...
Read More ȃS Saint-Joseph students and staff enjoy Family Day winter activities
This year, to mark Family Day which was held on February 21, students and staff at École secondaire Saint-Joseph (Wawa) participated in various winter activities. During a sunny and chilly afternoon, many outdoor enthusiasts were able to indulge in hockey, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing and sliding. We would like to thank Ms. Valérie Lévesque, teacher at ÉS Saint-Joseph, for organizing this ...
Read More »Découvrir la richesse culturelle des Premières Nations, des Métis et des Inuit
Depuis quelques années, l’école secondaire Saint-Joseph (Wawa) offre le cours « Français : découvrir les voix contemporaines des Premières Nations, des Métis et des Inuit” (11e année). Enseigné par Mme Carole Bouffard, ce cours permet aux élèves d’approfondir leurs connaissances des thèmes et des éléments stylistiques des formes d’expression culturelles, en étudiant divers textes d’auteurs des Premières Nations, Métis et Inuit. ...
Read More »Discovering the richness of First Nations, Métis and Inuit cultures
For the past few years, École secondaire Saint-Joseph (Wawa) has offered the course “French: Discovering the Contemporary Voices of First Nations, Métis and Inuit” (Grade 11). Taught by Ms. Carole Bouffard, this course allows students to deepen their knowledge of the themes and stylistic elements of various cultural expression forms, by studying various texts by First Nations, Métis and Inuit ...
Read More »Bus Cancellations for Chapleau & Hornepayne
Due to the extreme cold temperatures in the Chapleau area. All school-related transportation is cancelled today for all Boards. Schools will remain open. Due to the extreme cold temperatures in the Hornepayne area. All school-related transportation is cancelled today for all Boards. Schools will remain open.
Read More »Une journée 100-sationnelle à Dubreuilville
Les élèves de l’école St-Joseph (Dubreuilville) se sont amusés pour leur 100e journée d’école le vendredi 11 février. En plus de s’habiller en personnes âgées de 100 ans, ils ont participé à une panoplie d’activités pédagogiques portant sur le thème de 100. Des activités telles que « Si j’avais 100$… », « Roule les dés jusqu’à 100 », des constructions de structures comptant ...
Read More »Dubreuilville students have fun during the 100th day of school
Students at École St-Joseph in Dubreuilville had a great deal of fun celebrating the 100th day of school on Friday, February 11. In addition to dressing up as 100-year-olds, they took part in a variety of educational activities on the theme of 100. Activities held during the day included the following: “If I had $100…”, “Roll the dice up ...
Read More »Bus Cancellations – Wawa, White River, Chapleau, Dubreuilville, Hornepayne & area.
Due to inclement weather and poor road conditions all school related transportation services are cancelled today for all Boards in the Northern Area. Schools remain open. Note: Transportation will be running in Hornepayne
Read More »Science North receives funding to develop CanCode 3.0
The Government of Canada is investing in Science North to engage students and teachers across Northern Ontario and in First Nation communities in coding and digital skills programming through CanCode 3.0. After four successful years of Science North delivering CanCode programming to over 100,000 students and teachers across the region and beyond, the Government of Canada is providing Science North ...
Read More »Highest Investment in Learning Recovery, Mental Health & Public Education
Following two years of global learning disruption, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ontario government announced record funding for the 2022-23 school year. The funding will support learning recovery and mental health supports for students to enable them to return to a more normal school year next year. Education Minister Stephen Lecce today introduced Ontario’s Learning Recovery Action Plan – ...
Read More »Tambour et cardio pour les élèves de Saint Nom de Jésus
Il y a du nouveau en éducation physique à l’école Saint Nom de Jésus (Hornepayne)! Les élèves se sont amusés à faire des activités d’entraînement cardio en jouant du tambour. Une belle nouveauté qui permet de favoriser le bien-être physique des élèves!
Read More »Drumming allows École Saint Nom de Jésus students to stay fit
Physical education has taken a new twist at École Saint Nom de Jésus in Hornepayne! The students had loads of fun doing cardio training activities while drumming. This new activity helps promote the physical well-being of students!
Read More »Canadian School Counselling Week 2022: Who We Are and How We Help
As students across Canada return to in-person schooling during another school year impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, February 7 – 11, marks the 8th annual Canadian School Counselling Week in which we recognize the school counselling profession in provinces and territories. The goal of Canadian School Counselling Week is to increase the public’s awareness of the programs and services that ...
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