École Saint-Joseph students take part in the Winter Olympics

The Winter Olympics were held at École élémentaire et secondaire Saint-Joseph in Wawa from February 9 to 25. For more than two weeks, students participated in 16 activities identified on a bingo card. Activities included skating with a friend, shoveling snow, sliding with the family, building an inukshuk, playing hockey and drinking hot chocolate. Through the sharing of photos, the students displayed their great motivation.

Congratulations to the young Olympians from Kindergarten to grade 12 from École Saint-Joseph. With the presentation of 83 family bingo cards, we can see that this activity was a great success.

The school plans to repeat this Olympic activity again in four years! The students would like to thank the teacher Ms. Valérie Lévesque for organizing the Winter Olympics as well as École Notre-Dame de la Merci in Coniston for sharing this fun outdoor activity.

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