Official Opposition Leader Andrea Horwath is in Sault Ste. Marie Monday committing to fix the chronic shortage of doctors, nurses and other health care professionals in the North. “Northerners are waiting too long and travelling too far to get the health care they need. Without enough doctors, nurses and specialists, people wait hours and hours in the ER, they wait ...
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« la permanence de l’objet »
Récemment, j’ai eu le plaisir de laisser derrière moi tout le brouhaha de la vie quotidienne et le bruit incessant de la politique pendant quelques minutes lorsque j’étais chez un ami pendant que leur petit-fils était en visite. Ce week-end, ils fêtaient le premier anniversaire du bébé. La petite fille travaillait clairement déjà sur ses compétences utilisées pour charmer les ...
Read More »“object permanence”
Recently I had the pleasure of leaving all of the hubbub of daily life and incessant noise of politics behind me for a few minutes when I was in a friend’s home while their grandchild was visiting. That weekend they were celebrating the baby’s first birthday. The little girl was clearly already working on her skills used to charm people. ...
Read More »Letter – Access to the Snow Dump Trails
Letter to the Editor, lnternational Women’s Day was last week. For years people have with or without dogs walked the trails around the old garbage dump. lt is close to town, sheltered and a piece of pure nature. ln the winter, it is the snow dump with trucks and plows using the main road to dump loads of snow over ...
Read More »Le prix de l’essence explose pour les gens alors que les grandes pétrolières font des profits énormes
Le porte-parole du NPD en matière de Finances, Daniel Blaikie, et le porte-parole du NPD en matière d’Innovation, de Science et d’Industrie, Brian Masse, ont parlé aux médias de l’augmentation du prix de l’essence et des conséquences pour les familles canadiennes. Les néo-démocrates réclament une taxe sur les profits excessifs des compagnies pétrolières qui réalisent des milliards de dollars de ...
Read More »Canadians are getting gouged at the pumps while big oil companies make even bigger profits
NDP Finance Critic Daniel Blaikie and NDP Critic for Innovation, Science and Industry Brian Masse, spoke to media about the rising price of gas and the toll it’s taking on Canadian families. New Democrats are calling an excess profit tax on oil companies who are making billions of dollars in profits. The proposal would allow for the tax revenue to ...
Read More »Limiting colonoscopies puts Ontarians at risk
The Ford government’s decision to drastically limit colonoscopies for the early detection of colorectal cancer is putting the lives of Ontarians at risk, said NDP MPP Gilles Bisson (Timmins) during question period on Thursday. “Early detection of colon cancer saves lives,” said Bisson. “By interfering with the work of physicians and specialists, and not allowing enough regular colonoscopies, this government ...
Read More »MPP West calls for action on gas gouging in Sudbury
NDP MPP Jamie West (Sudbury) called on Doug Ford to take immediate action to address gas gouging in Sudbury and throughout Northern Ontario during question period Monday. “Northerners are coping with one of the highest cost of living in the province. We are seeing higher costs for food, rent, hydro and more. Now, on top of that, people in Sudbury ...
Read More »Lack of transportation services strands seniors – CanAge looking for your information to support transportation innovation
CanAge, Canada’s National Seniors’ Advocacy Organization, is calling on community groups and organizations across Alberta to share information that will be used to make critical improvements to seniors’ transportation in the province. Many seniors, especially those living with disabilities, rely on transportation services for daily necessities like groceries, filling prescriptions and visiting their doctor–yet nearly half of Canadian seniors report ...
Read More »Notre démocratie nous donne des libertés incroyables
La récente attaque des Russes contre le peuple ukrainien ne peut que nous faire reculer devant les souffrances atroces et les morts inutiles qui se produisent. Il ne fait aucun doute dans le monde entier que l’attaque non provoquée est l’acte des dirigeants russes sans conscience ni force morale. Aux nouvelles, les Canadiens voient des milliers de femmes et d’enfants, ...
Read More »Our Democracy gives us Incredible Freedoms
The recent attack by the Russians upon the people of Ukraine cannot help but make us recoil at the horrendous suffering and needless deaths that are taking place. There is no doubt around the world that the unprovoked attack is the act of Russian leadership without conscience or moral fortitude. Canadians are witnessing on the news, thousands of women and ...
Read More »Liberals are running out of time to prevent a climate disaster: NDP
NDP critic for the environment and climate change, Laurel Collins, and the critic for natural resources, Charlie Angus, made the following statement: “The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) report released today is yet another dire warning that all levels of government have only a narrow window to implement key climate change mitigation and adaptation measures to secure a liveable ...
Read More »MPP Guy Bourgouin’s bill for safe winter highways passes second reading
NDP MPP Guy Bourgouin’s bill to make winter driving safer on Northern Ontario’s highways 11 and 17 passed another important stage with its second reading vote on Thursday. If Bourgouin’s bill passes, highways 11 and 17 would be cleared of snow within eight hours. “This is a good step for the people of Northern Ontario who need and deserve safer ...
Read More »Ford’s fiscal update leaves Northerners behind, again
After four years in government, Doug Ford is leaving out northern families yet again, said Northern Ontario’s NDP MPPs responding to the Ford government’s economic and fiscal outlook on Monday. The following statement was issued by northern NDP MPPs Judith Monteith-Farrell (Thunder Bay – Atikokan), Sol Mamakwa (Kiiwetinoong), Jamie West (Sudbury), Guy Bourgouin (Mushkegowuk-James Bay), France Gélinas (Nickel Belt), Michael ...
Read More »Les libéraux ne peuvent plus ignorer la crise des opioïdes dans le Nord de l’Ontario
Le Nord de l’Ontario est l’une des régions du pays les plus durement touchées par la crise des opioïdes. C’est pourquoi les député-es néo-démocrates de la région, Charlie Angus (Timmins–Baie James) et Carol Hughes (Algoma–Manitoulin–Kapuskasing), appuient la première initiative du parti pour la nouvelle session parlementaire – un projet de loi d’initiative parlementaire qui aiderait des centaines de familles dont ...
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