Happenings at Wawa First United Church – Feb 6

Sunday, Feb. 2:

Jeremiah 1:4-10:

In this reading a young man worries about a big thing God has asked him to do. God has given Jeremiah a message to tell others but Jeremiah is scared. God assures Jeremiah that God is with him and that he is going to do wonderful things – to tear things down and build up new things. Every one of us, no matter how young or old, is one of God’s construction workers.!

We’re called to help God build the kingdom by tearing down things that hurt others or keep us from being close to God and building things up that help others and bring us closer to God. God also gives us tools to do this. These tools are things like prayer, community, truth, justice, generosity, kindness, and compassion.


Luke 4:21-30:

Jesus’ Good News is not accepted by all; in fact, he experiences rejection in his own hometown. When we invite transformation into our lives, not everyone will be on board. When we invite transformation into our communities of faith, not everyone will be on board!

Yet the gospel stories tell us of God’s dream for the world, a vision of transformation and new creation. How can we be bold disciples, like Jesus, listening to God’s call and not the pessimism or rejection of our neighbours?

How can we, as a community of faith, try to welcome Jesus’ transformational ministry among us, instead of rejecting it like the people of Jesus’ hometown did?  Are there spiritual practices that can help us cultivate a posture of readiness for God to be at work among us?

Considering Jeremiah’s call, we can also wonder how to ground our invitation to others in the invitation into relationship that we first accepted from God. We proclaim and invite others into God’s love because we have first accepted God’s invitation our selves.

Creation Connection:   God’s creation is made with care and purpose. Creation is in a constant cycle of making space for the new, sometimes tearing down and sometimes building up, with life emerging in both expected and surprising ways.

(the Gathering Advent/ Christmas/ Epiphany  2024/25 used with permission)


Sunday, February 9 – Fifth after Epiphany


Isaiah 6:1-8,(9-13)  I saw God seated upon  the throne

1 Corinthians 15:1-11    An account of Jesus’ resurrection

Luke 5:1-11   Jesus calls Simon and James and John

Lay Leader Maria   Reader Heather


The United Church Thrift Shop will be held Thursday, February 13 to Monday, February 17 which is bag day. No donations after February 4th, please.

Prayer Shawl Group will gather on February 22nd. All Knitters and Crocheters are welcome to come and either make a prayer shawl or an item of choice. We can supply you with needles, crochet hooks and wool if needed.

The Annual meeting of the congregation will be held on Sunday, February 23rd, We would like to have as many of the congregation present as possible.


February is Black History Month

February 10 – Moosehide Campaign Day: standing up against violence toward women and children.

February 17 – Family Day. Louis Riel Day (Man.) Islander Day (PEI) and Heritage Day (NS)

February 20 – World Day of Social Justice

United Church

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