Star Child – A Prayer Poem
Star Child, your presence reminds us of the beauty of deep winter skies, soft snowflakes, strings of little lights.
Star Child, we thank you for the beauty in our days: the moments when we catch our breath to wonder, to marvel at the everyday miracle of life.
Star Child, remind us again (because we need to receive it again and again) that your are Emmanuel, God-with-Us, the radiance in all people, in all creation.
And so, Emmanuel, God-with-Us, Help us to prepare for you, help us to care for you, to be present to your midnight cries, you urgent needs, to feed you with love.
We meet you in each life star we meet. You come hungry, needing, laughing, crying, calm and angry.
And so we bring our whole selves- and all the ways we find ourselves, not just wonderful but also wanting.
There is too much in our society:
too much to do, too much to give, too much to throw away, too much to consume, too much to long for, too much to remember, too much to miss, too much to tolerate, too much to enjoy, too much noise, too much silence.
So let us take a breath in this moment of silence. (take a breath)
And in this silence, we pray, with all our selves and for all of your world, for those for whom there is too much and for those for whom there is not enough…(take time for silent prayer and breathing)
We take a breath in this moment of silence, this moment of love, and breathe in you. Star Child. (take a breath) Amen,
Emily Gordon, Leaside UC Toronto Ont. Used with permission The Gathering, Advent/ Christmas/ Epiphany. 2024
Christmas Eve Service will be on Tues, Dec. 24th at 7 pm. We invite all who enjoy the Christmas story and Carols to join us on this Holy Night.
There will be no service on December 29th. We will resume on January 5th in the New Year.
We wish all of our Friends near and Far a very Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Star of Lights
Light in Memoriam
Gabrielle & Leopold Asselin Neil & Hilda Morrison
Luella Campbell John Morrison
Ann & Harry Chiupka Ginna and Gunner Pederson
Brandon Dereski Fraser & Janet Reid
Kathry Dereski Russel Reid
Lonny Dereski Wayne Reid
Louis Dereski F.X. & Ada Sabouin
Stan Dereski Gordon & Betty Sabourin
Tavis Dereski Nicole Spencer
Joe Eden Irene & Nobel Spencer
Taija Gallo Reggie Spencer
Isabel & Lorne Henderson Marinus & Dorthy Stuivenberg
Tyler Henderson Mervyn & Vikki Switzer
Alden & Phyllis Hinchcliffe Edna & Earle Terris
Hector & Jessie Hinchcliffe Bert & Agnes Young
Sonny Hinchcliffe Bert & June Young
Florence & Jack James Ethel Young
John Airth James Gary Young
Gus & Anna Klockars John Young
Alberta & Frank MacDonald Sherwood Young
Brent MacDonald Eva Zwicker
Bruce McMeekin
In Celebration
Ainsley and Alicia Spreng
Blair and Morgan Curtis
Austin Passmore
- Happenings at Wawa First United Church – March 5 - March 5, 2025
- Happenings at First United Church– February 19 - February 19, 2025
- Happenings at First United Church– February 11 - February 12, 2025