Happenings at Wawa First United – November 20

(Hebrews 10:11-25)” Our present times can seem very scary and hopeless. It is easy to forget the wholeness and help that God has given us. Who will come and tell us that it will all be ok?

The writer of Hebrews reminds us that, even when we feel helpless, God has already reached out to help us. And because of that, we’re called to reach out to others – to spark love and inspire good deeds in each other. We need each other. This church community helps us hold on to hope, so we don’t drown in our own struggles and despair. Alone, we might feel powerless. But when we come together, we remember that Christ has strengthened us – his own sacrifice stirs us to continue his good work in the world. Our love and good deeds aren’t just things we do; they’re visible signs of the hope we carry. They’re out living confession, showing that we believe in Christ’s power to heal and make whole.

This is why we have church; to hold each other up, to encourage each other when the world around us shakes or when we face hard times. If we’re doing anything less, we’re missing out on the heart of our calling.

In the midst of the pandemic Moderator Richard Bott posted the following poem on social media.

Today I got a message that read, “You know, some day you’re going to die, and nobody will remember you, So, why bother?”

Why bother? Oh, friend! It’s not for some future legacy that I bother.

It’s not so that my name gets written on some eternal book’

or my words are saved in the spin states of quarks,

to be embedded into the fabric of the universe until the end of time;

or my actions are turned into an epic worthy of Gilgamesh and Enkidu, that I bother.

Another minister, a guy named Paul, said, “Prophecies? They’ll end! Languages? They’ll go silent, Knowledge? Naa, it won’t last!”

I don’t bother for some future memory, I bother because this moment is the only moment that I can do anything about, in an instant, it will be gone – but in this instant I can live the best me that is possible;

I can love, not just to the best of my ability, but, knowing that Divine love fills the spaces in – between, I can love, tangibly, beyond my ability,

I bother because, perhaps, if I live that love in the moments you can’t, and you live the love in the moments I can’t, and they live the loved in the moments we can’t, then, maybe, just maybe, this world will be changed.

I don’t bother for a future, as hopeful as I am about it.

I bother because that’s what needs to happen now.

The world can feel scary right now. There is no denying it. We are not promised a world without fear or danger. But, we are promised help. We have God. We have one another. Now, it’s time to get up and bother, to love tangibly, beyond our abilities. Because that is what needs to happen right now”.   

(From the message by Rev. Melody Duncanson – Hales, A Canadian Shield Regional minister.)


Sunday November 24th

Scripture Readings:

2 Samuel 23:1-7; Daniel 7:9-10,13-14; John 18:33-34

Lay Worship Leader: Kaireen;  Reader Heather.



Prayer Shawl group will meet at 3-4:30 pm in the Family Room, All knitters and crocheters are most welcome, Materials can be supplied if needed. You do not need to be member of our church, just need to like fellowship and knitting.

There will be a blessing of the Prayer Shawls on Sun. Dec 1 during the Sunday Service.

The UCW will have their annual Carol sing at the Hospital on Dec 3rd, at 7 pm.

The Christmas Star will go up on the First of December. Anyone wishing to have a light in memory of a loved one, Please contact Maria Reid at 705-856-2861. The cost per bulb is $5.



United Church