Happenings at Wawa First United – June 16th, Forth Sunday after Pentecost

Samuel, was the last Judge of Israel. He was not the ruler over all of Israel. Israel was a theocracy, meaning that God was their King. Had Israel been faithful to God’s plan, it would have been an example to the rest of the world. Other nations would have looked at Israel and seen God’s protection and blessings. They would have wanted to be like Israel and have Jehovah as their King. But instead, Israel looked at its heathen neighbours and envied them for having an earthly king to protect them. Samuel was not the king but had served for many years as a leader of the nation, he had arranged to have his sons follow in his path, The people rejected them and Samuel had to appoint a King.


Sunday June 16, Fourth after Pentecost

Scripture Readings

  • 1 Samuel 15:34-16:13   David is anointed as King
  • 2 Corinthians 5:5-10,14-17  Walk by faith, not by sight
  • Mark 4:26-34  Parables of the growing seed and the mustard seed



June 16 our service with be with St John’s Marathon, via internet

Prayer Shawl group will meet June 22 from 2pm to 4:30 pm at the Morrison Cottage, All are welcome.

It was decided that we will stop our Sunday services on June 23, and resume on September 8. 2024


June 18 – International Day for Countering Hate Speech

June 20 – Summer Solstice (4;51 pm)

June 20 – World Refugee Day  (UNHCR)

June 21 – National Indigenous Peoples Day



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