Happenings at Wawa First United – May 29

We God laughs at the soul and the soul laughs back at God, the persons of the Trinity are begotten. When the Father laughs at the Son and the Son laughs back at the Father, that laughter gives pleasure, that pleasure gives joy, that joy gives love and that love is the Holy Spirit.  (Meister Eckhart)


Our Sunday message was about Nicodemus and his visit to Jesus at night. Nicodemus was a Pharisee in the Jewish religion. He was wealthy and highly respected in the Sanhedrin which was the Jewish courts. He wanted to know more about the travelling teacher, Jesus. When Jesus told Nicodemus he must be born again to enter into heaven, and the presence of God. Nicodemus did not understand, until Jesus explained the it was a spiritual birth. No number of books or learning would get him to heaven unless his spirit was born in his faith in Jesus. A simple but complicated change in ones self and belief.


Sunday Scriptures, Second after Pentecost – June 2

  • 1 Samuel 3:1-10, (11-20)    God calls to the boy Samuel
  • Psalm 139                              You have searched me and known me.
  • 2 Corinthians 4: 5-12          A treasure in clay jars
  • Mark 2:23-3:6                      Gathering and healing on the Sabbath


The holy Spirit is actively present when we are alone as well as in our communities and in one-on-one encounters. Both the psalm and the reading about Samuel explore how God knows our inmost being and has hopes for where we will go and grow next. This can be wonderful, frightening and demanding. When is it wonderful to know God treasures us even though we have human frailties? How is it scary as well as comforting that God knows our deepest secrets? How best can we be in active relationship with the Holy Spirit, even when we are alone? Take a little time to think about this. Has your life been affected by the Holy Spirit and you did not realize it until later? Is the Holy Spirit active in your life today?



Next Sunday: Worship Leader – Maria Reid    Reader – Dianne Spencer

UCW will have their meeting June 3 at Morrison’s cottage. Car pooling  at the Church at 6:15. A potluck dinner and a not-so-silent auction will take place, come and enjoy.

Prayer shawl group will meet on June 8 at 3-4:30 pm in the Family Room at the Church. All knitters and crocheters are most welcome, Needles and wool can be supplied if needed.

June – National Indigenous History Month

June – Launch of Pride Season

June 3 – World Bicycle Day

June 4 –  International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression

June 5 – World Environment Day

June 6 – National Gardening Exercise Day

June 8 – World Oceans Day

United Church