Happenings at Wawa First United – May 23 Pentecost Sunday

In the story from Acts, God allowed the disciples to speak all sorts of languages to help more people understand God’s amazing love! Pentecost is a great time to explore how the Spirit is ever expanding our circle of knowledge with people of all languages of all sorts ( not just spoken or written, but  signed languages and languages of art, music, and drama)  How can you help others to know the love of God?

Sunday May 26  Trinity Sunday


  • Isaiah 6:1-8  The call of Isaiah
  • Romans 8:12-17  Adopted by the Spirit as Children of God
  • John 3:1-17  Nicodemus visits Jesus by night


In the story from John’s gospel, we are told about how the Spirit is expressed in one specific relationship. Two men who love God and scriptures discuss and explore how the Spirit is ever renewing our lives (so we are born again), our faith traditions and our communities of faith.



Next Sunday: Worship leader – Lorna Chiupka, Sunday Reader -Maria Reid,   We will be celebrating Communion and will have a Blessing of the Prayer Shawls.


Prayer Shawl Group will meet on Sat. May 25 at 3-4:30 pm. in the Family Room. All knitters and crocheters are welcome. Needles and wool are available if needed.


UCW will meet on June 3. at Morrison’s cottage, Car pooling at the Church at 6:15, A pot luck dinner and a not so silent auction will take place, come and enjoy.


May 23- World Turtle Day

June – National Indigenous History Month

June – Launch of Pride Season

June 3 – World Bicycle Day



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