Jesus was making a promise to those who believe in Him. He prayed” As you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.”
How easily we get divided in our intention to follow Jesus’ teachings. There is a story of a minister who served in a church that had a major fight over wood piles. This church had a wood stove in the centre of the sanctuary to heat the building. Two groups that didn’t get along with each other took turns stoking the fire and keeping it lit. Unfortunately, one group claimed that they were working harder than the other group to provide the wood. As a result both groups provided the wood but in separate piles.
One child while reading the scripture one Sunday in that church, used his own version of the well-known text from Ephesians, Chapter 4, verse 5: “One faith, one Lord, one baptism, …and two wood piles…”
That would seem appropriate, because each group viewed their one God and Father of all as reflecting themselves, as was made manifest in the wood piles that they created. We lose sight of being One in trying to make our decisions the most important. Jesus wanted us to have unity, with each other and with God.
May 19 – Pentecost Sunday
Scripture Readings.
- Acts 2: 1-21 The coming of the Holy Spirit
- Psalm 104 How great are all God’s works
- Romans 8: 22-27 The Spirit prays for us with sighs to deep for words
- John 15: 26-23;16:4b-15 Jesus will send the Advocate, the Spirit of Truth
In the story from Acts, God allowed the disciples to speak all sorts of languages to help more people to understand God’s amazing love! Pentecost is a great day to explore and celebrate how the Spirit is ever expanding our circles of knowledge and people through languages of all sorts (not just spoken or written, but signed languages and languages of art, music and drama) . The Gathering Pentecost 1 (used with permission)
Next Sunday May 19, Worship leader Maria Reid with St. Paul’s United in Marathon, an internet service.
The Mother’s Day Flowers in the Church, given by the UCW, were presented to Maria Reid.
The Prayer Shawl Group will meet Sat. May 25 from 3-4:30 in the Family Room. All Knitters and crocheters are welcome to join. Needles and wool can be supplied if needed.
UCW Meeting will be on Monday, June 3 at Morrison’s cottage. Potluck supper and a Not-so-Silent Auction will be held. Carpooling at the church at 6:15
May 20 – World Bee Day
May 21- International Tea Day
May 23 – World Turtle Day
- Happenings at Wawa First United Church – March 5 - March 5, 2025
- Happenings at First United Church– February 19 - February 19, 2025
- Happenings at First United Church– February 11 - February 12, 2025